vasectomy thread

lol… first thinning hair, now this :slight_smile:

my wife wants me to get this done… i’m being a bitch about it.

who here has had it done? who here has been encouraged to do it and bailed?

I too am being a bitch about it.

Man this place has gone down hill.

Next thread, anyone thinking of switching to dating dudes?

FFS. 20 minutes. In, out, done. Wear a jockstrap for a few days, keep some frozen peas handy.


At my yearly a couple weeks ago I asked my primary about it. His answer, “Well, I’ve got some scissors over there, want to lay back and we’ll get it done right now?”. Then he gave me a referral. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.

how long after did you have to wait before you could show the wife who’s boss?

how long after before you could show yourself who’s boss?


I’ll keep it somewhat vague. Less than a week for either. Give it a personal test drive about 4 days after. Don’t kick the tires

Ive been thinking this is a good choice but can’t get past the thought of sharp objects in places they ought not be.

If you ask they can put you under to have this done, my guy offered it to me. Close your eyes, wake up and it’s done.

FYI March is busy season for this, guess lots of guys get it done and use it as a reason to sit and watch basketball.

Bah. Sack up.

They need to invent one of these with a switch already.

Huge fan of this. Kids are obsolete today.


One way around having to get a vasectomy.

If this is what growing up looks like, I want no part of it.

20 minutes. Bruce was an expert with the dry shave using the disposable Bic razor. Not a huge deal and I hate needles and men handling my balls. Just do not ask @L8APEX1 about his because you will want no part of it.

Had a friend who got this done and said it was the best decision he ever made…but that may also be due to the fact that he had not yet had any kids.

And that’s the reason why it was the best decision.