
So who here has had one? I just got it done yesterday and I’m wondering how long before the “kicked in the nuts” feeling goes away. :frowning: Any helpful pointers on avoiding complications? All the doc said was, “You can shower tomorrow and have sex in a couple of days if you feel like it…Take 3 advil every 8 hours if you have any pain, use ice packs and I’ll see you in 4 weeks for a sample.” No paperwork for aftercare or anything! I think I’m getting frostbite from the ice…:crying:

Been there…you will feel better tomorrow, then even better the next day. The kicked in the nuts feeling only lasts a few days, but you HAVE to milk it for at least a week You may want to wait a bit before any hard core screwing, other than that use this opportunity and milk it for all it’s worth…getting waited on for your every wish FTW!!!
Also, tell her the doctor recommended oral sex for the first few weeks for faster healing…

What a great thought. I think I might sign up tomorow…:op:


Excellent advice!

the doc told me to wear a jock strap for a week to keep pressure or keep em high n tight, I forget why. I lasted a day. The worst was getting outta bed, when they dropped it felt like I was kicked every morning getting outta bed… past that it wasn’t too bad… the first couple shots we’re different but in an odd but good way

overall though my reaction was that we’ve all gone through some kinda pain to get laid before, and this wasn’t any different…

this was a great thread to read while drunk as shit…thank you boys

yea ya know, we figured why not change it up a bit. sorry we to get away from your favorite anal penetration type threads but thet were getting to be just too much.

great thread :ugh:

so how soon can you do anal sex?

well…you know that saying, it’s not about the destination…but the journey that takes you there…

make sure we get back to those threads soon. Ill be expecting the first one from you and your journeys down the hershey highway.

Depends on which side you’re on


Be a man. Jog home.

i can think of at least 20 people on Pittspeed that should follow in your footsteps

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: