
Those chickens are from when i stopped playing for the summer. I was mostly out the whole summer driving and wasting gas. Cars getting stored so im playing again. Send me races :slight_smile:

hey solarian, you remember when you were at the leslie/16th (?) meet couple of months ago at the timmies, i was there talking to you with my friend who owns that black 91 MR2. just saying…

Nitto players. Join Medellin Cartel, Official Son240sx team for now

Ahh, that’s cool, was just wondering.
Yea, I think I remember, was a short while before I left, right?


If this ever happened in real life, I would point and laugh at the person in the Ford GT for a good hour or so.
PS. They challenged me.

:), And people say hondas are slow lol

how do i get another parking space? i have a 240 and i can modd it anymore so i was gunna buy an s15. i got the money but not the space. and i dont wanna trade my 240. and im class sr with 818 vdi. how do i get another space?

no we came there pretty early, was talking to you and the other 2 guys with r32s, the one with the CF hood and other random stuff on it and donno who the other one was

Ahh, I know, I meant before I left for Korea :smiley:

i just got vdream… its kinda okay! come test me whomp whomp SRT-4 :frowning:

^ Im Eric Ethier, the one wearing the pink bucket on my head, add me and we’ll race lol

Add Jesse Bentley, Need more races


I got vdream and nitto, add spencer wong on fb, and wongger on nitto

Will do!
I had some fun today :slight_smile: Some people were picking on my poor slow teggy, not knowing that I had been saving up for quite some time. I had a bunch of challenges lined up from people that I knew I’d lose to, but that I was pretty sure I could beat with my new car. Bought RX-7, had enough money left over for all the power adders, full suspension, brakes, race bucket, etc… Accepted all challenges, smoked them all :smiley: That’s what happens when you pick on people with slower cars… they buy faster ones.
Actually… shit, wasn’t all. One Supra managed to sneak by me still -.- You know who you are haha.

Wongger, which one are you? Are you the Pokemon master, or?

pokemon master? Huh? haha

There’s more than one Spencer Wong on Facebook, trying to figure out which one is you :stuck_out_tongue: Easier if you just add me actually, I’m definitely the only Antonio Tannas.

there added,


for any1 else, thats me

the evidence speaks for itself: