Nitto 1320 Legends

I’ve played nitto since I was 12 or so, and this game just keeps getting more badass,
Just recently they released the 240sx S13, and S14

Pretty fun to play when your bored or whatever, racing online and sheitttt. and its free

Does anyone else play on here?

damn I havent played that so long now I logged in after seeing this post ingame name is pacer

Ill add you yoh,

My username is Risky Devil :stuck_out_tongue:

heres one to try…its not the same as nitto 1320 but i thought it was still pretty cool…you dont get to actually drive the cars…its basically a tuning game…

Nitto just ballin cause engine swaps, and making sleepers to PAWNNNNNNNN No0o0o0o0o0obzszszzz

Takes forever to get money though :(, It was a good game to play during class though haha

Ye, money is kinda hard to get unless your the best racer evar!!!