Vee Dub guys! dealer question

Any local delearships worth looking into or is there an out of town one that you suggest? I may be getting rid of the sti soon and would like to see what you guys thought about the local sellers.

My friend Paul just traded in an integra and picked up an older gen R32. He dealt with the VW dealer out in OP/South Buffalo/Milestrip? He said the deal went pretty good, but I’m sure others around here would have better opinions.

What VW could you ever be looking at!

Best dealership around here (VW of Orchard Park 662-5500). Go in and talk to Jeff he can help you out…

I dont want to talk about it, the fact that im even looking at it makes me ill.

autohaus. theyre great people, super helpful

HA-HA, are you getting married or something?

You’re getting a beetle, aren’t you. :gay:

No its a mammal

No but i’m more interested in getting a place of my own and this is the first step in doing it. The hatch will be handy at the job too.

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:

VW of orchard park. My family owns it. Tell them I sent you, and make sure you pronounce my name right :deadhorse2:


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or else i would have posted more!

Rob, what the hell. Get in a bugeyed wrx, or wrx wagon… anything but some shitty german… shit.


ok so what is your name? lol! I would love to send them some business but i amd not 100% sure on it.

no i refuse to go from an sti to a wrx, and bugeyes look like neons, stop being gay im not looking for performance. I want a hatchback with comfort that is ok on gas and wont cost me as much as my car will…

VW Orchard park. They are mod friendly too.

good to know but i wont be modding unless i get a gti, something i havent ruled out but it would pretty much negate my whole reasoning for gettting rid of the sti if i decide to do that. I was a little upset to learn that manula transmissions are hard to come by.

Word. VWOP is where it’s at. If you do decide to trade in, talk to Jeff. He’s great to deal with :tup:

Vdub ftw!

although i never bought from vw of op, i went and spoke with them about a gti and it was one of the best sales experiences i’ve ever had. i don’t think they’re on commission so it’s a very relaxed atmosphere.

i know i’ll get bashed for suggesting this too, but have you looked into a suzuki sx4 crossover? i’ve been glancing at them, and once you get over the fact that it’s a suzuki, it’s a neat little hatch, awd, 5 sp, tons of options, for like 17k. even has an easy access key (no key needed for ignition), and 0% financing for 5 years and free gas for the summer. plenty of good reviews about them out there.

but you have to get over the fact that it’s a suzuki. and that’s very difficult to do.