Vent Here:

Anybody want a supercharged 240:

Read this and proceed to vent.


looks fast.

Damn fast.

look real fast

One of the nicest coupes I’ve seen.

wow convertables are rare to, 1200 is a steal.

Thats DAMN CHEAP!!! But its Automatic Tranny… EH!

I can’t tell if some people are being sarcastic, or just plain dumb.

I’m sure for most of you it’s sarcasm… I hope lol.

does it come with vtec

I would most certainly think so.

oh yeah, supercharged vtec

with 200lb bottle of NAS

that HAS to be a typo u mean 2,000 lb bottle

oem FMIC, obviously…:boink:

damn if i had that kinda money, i’d jump that right now~~~!!!

its a supercharged VTAK motor, with NAS, wow! I wish my car looked that clean!

I heard its got that cool stage 2 vtec, friggin fast woo

He also I heard has that Tornado system in the intake so whats that like 3Xcharged now, Skyline owners look out!

lol and he has ducktape holding his bumper to fender…

‘duck’ tape indeed.