Veolia Water Systems

they will call me next week with an offer. So for the next couple weeks, i’m gonna watch my boss scramble to outbid their offer.

that is so much fun.

I usually go on a few interwiews the month before my review and bring the offers with me to my review. I won’t settle for the typical 3-5% raise.

good luck :bigthumb:

my boss did an evaluation today. it pretty much spelled out in black and white that i am a major asset to the company. but he started dickin around with boosting my rate up. Then on my way home, Veolia made me an offer i pretty much cant refuse.

So my boss will shit a brick monday morning when my resignation paper hits his desk, then he’ll get chewed out from his superiors, and i’ll be happy to tell them why i am leaving as well.

I have a little over 2 weeks vaca. left, so i’ll cash in on it, “bonus check”.

So all is well, i’ll be makin alot more a month then before, and better benefits. :hs:

Awesome…I am at the building right next door…maybe I will see you around.

dont ever accept a counter offer. your company already knows you have a foot out the door. Once they increase your salary from a counter, youre the first one to go during cut backs.

its a proven statistic that 80% of people who accept counters are not employed at the same company after 6 months.

take the newer/better opportunity

well my boss is on vacation today. So i’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get my counter offer.

if its a decent amount i would consider staying, cause the company is small enough, and i play such a vital role, that if we have layoffs, i would be last on the list.

Keep in mind you could be first on te list if you are bought.

yea, i hear a couple rumors that Veolia goes through people fairly quickly. And my company is the skimmer that catches the sinkers of the field, so no-one here ever gets fired.


counter offered employees are usually payed higher, theyre almost always first to go. it’s never a good idea to accept them.

I’m not stating my personal opinion

well negotiations continue. The owner of our corporation came to the office today to see me. He told me he’d do what he has to, for me to stay.

so tomorrow i’ll make my final decision.

Cool keep us posted…don’t burn any bridges.

thats the last thing i’d do. but i know for a fact, that my current employer, would gladly hire me back anytime if i decide to.

But, i’m leaving. Heading out your way. Probably start on friday the 21st. I like starting things on friday.

Cool…congrats on the new job…u gonna be driving the truck to work?

i dont drive it to work now because of the “Urban Outdoorsman” that linger in the uptown area.

but yeah, i’d imagine i’ll drive it in a couple fridays a year.

well, i guess my resignation didnt go over too well since…

the CEO had the Gen. Manager, the Office Manager, and my Department Manager escort me from my desk and off company property.

Oh well. So is life.

that’s typical, a lot of companies do that.

congrats on the new job.

X2…maybe I will see you around

My g/f works there. it’s mostly older people. not many young’uns

Thats pretty low of them to do that. Goodluck on the new job.