Verizon Hookups? Wanted Kyocera KX2 or Samsung SCH-u740...

I used to have the KX2, got it almost 3 years ago…and I loved it. I still think its a good phone and up to par with the current offering from Verizon. Only thing it really lacks is v-cast (wouldn’t use) and blue tooth, which I probably wouldn’t use that much either. That said, I’d like to try and find another one.

If I can’t, I want the Samsung SCH-u740. So far, I found it for $100 with a 2 year contract, which isn’t bad. Just want to see if anyone has it for cheaper or I can hook a fellow NYSpeeder up.

u740 is very nice. Just got one the other day. PM Evolve, he will get you the hookup.

Oh, and I’m looking to get one this week. I’m open to other suggestions, I like the more unique phones…I don’t like the Razr or Krzr.

Edit, thanks for the heads up ryan, I was making this when you were making your reply.

Yeah, if your ever around Elmwood area today or tonight, send me a message and you can play with the phone and see if you like it. Otherwise just head to EAurora and Evolve will get you a good deal.

im very picky on phones, and i :heart: the u740

Cool deal, maybe I can pick it up tomorrow. Only issue I see is that I’m on the family plan, and my dad is the main person on the plan. Does he have to be there…?

Thanks for the offer to play with the phone. I’m not gonna be in that area though…and I played around with it yesterday for a while. Only thing I didn’t especially like was the small keys. I like the phone, I just don’t know if I like it for 2 years. Meanwhile, I had the KX2 for that long and I want to get it again…

i thought the same thing about my nokia 6256.

and yes your dad will have to be there unless he puts you on as a FULL ACCESS CONTACT with a password beforehand.

Damn, thats shitty. I’m from Long Island so there’s no chance of that. :frowning:

whats your area code? if its not 716 or 585, you are out of the market, and i cant do much of anything anyways

Oh, well I didn’t realize that either. I’m 516. Thanks for looking out though.