veyron leaves quickly

those are rwd arent they?


holy shit

Nice :slight_smile:

^^^^ dang

little quick?

I can do that:jawdrop:

what was that? 0-60 in 2 seconds?

holy hell


and if i remember correctly the shift from 1-2 happens after 60?

so tits

fucking sweet

ide give my left nut for a car that fast

w16 motoor and 4 turbos… what you expect. I got the epesode of "test drive that is based on that car… its got 9 radiators!

Good fucking lord.



Overkill is the best type of kill. :tup:

I ran into one of those last week…he got me out of the hole and then…

on topic…that was hot

^^^ LMFAOL:rofl:

yea 0-60 is like 2 seconds something, insane
i want one.!

That car is a pants shitter.


i haven’t seen this vid in a while, its always amazing to see it take off like that :tup: