Viacom threatening to pull channels from Time Warner

You mean, Unique Whips with Will Castro and PINKs?

Damn, no BET. Now what am I going to watch?

yep, let them rip the channels and see how long that lasts for…

directTV FTW!!!

Yeah I got Direct TV here, No worries :banana

after having direcTV ill never go back to TWC


anyone else just loose all their channels? and I mean ALL

You lost all your channels or just the Viacom ones? That would suck real bad


I have all of my channels still.

No, they made a deal. I just read it in the paper.

It woulda kinda sucked losing comedy central but thats about it for me. But yeah, they made a deal which is what always happens.

I’d hate to lose Nickelodeon. =( No more George Lopez.

fuck george lopez no more tool time wit tim allan :lol

I though nick at nite had old shows. George Lopez’s show isnt old.

Don’t care! It’s hilarious. I love the sense of humor on that show.
I watch a lot of Nick at Nite. They cycle shows quite often… right now its Home Improvement for 1hr, George Lopez 1hr, then family matters. Then it goes through again at midnight. After it cycles through another time it goes to Fresh Prince.

Home Improvement sucks, so does Family Matters…My little brother watches George Lopez every night so I occasionally see bits and pieces of episodes. From what I’ve viewed, it’s not that bad of a show.

NEED spike. its the only station i watch for the hour or so a day im home to even watch.

…but you’re on the computer for a lot more than an hour a day. So why don’t you stick a TV next to it?

work. and internet on my phone