Vick would fit right in here in Albany


I went to the home opener and i think its gunna take awhile for them to get back to the way they used to play the entire roster is a bunch of new guys and the qb is horrible

im sure Vick will get picked up by an NFL team before he signs with albany. There are plenty of teams that suck bad enough to invest in someone like him, (lions, to start) so well see what happens.

He’s not allowed back in the NFL…or any other Professional sports league for that matter.
Atleast that’s what I heard.

well the deal is he has to be reinstated by the NFL before he can do anything and that wont happen until july at the earliest, thats we hes released from prison. Then the commission of the NFL has to decide if he can play or not.

He is not allowed to play anything currently… but he’ll be back. Too bad he let such a great talent go to waste for a stupid reason. I can’t wait to see him on the Firebirds! hahahaha

haha…well see…if he did come that would rock.

Definitely, Vick is/was one of my favorite players on Madden too :lol

You don’t even play Madden you putz
PS1 doesn’t count.

  1. Stop using Pete’s “retard” words
  2. Yes I do, on PS3

You don’t have PS3

A good friend of mine does, you may have seen his drag car at the lot

Nope, never

my bad nevermind… LOL starr stop posting and GO TO BED…

I’m calling him stupid! :lol

No you weren’t…You do the same thing he went to jail for!

i do agree, he is a sick bastard. Im no tree hugger or animal rights activist but I love my Dog, and what he did was F’ed up

i realized that after i re read like 9 times… LOL i’m an idiot LOL lack of sleep and me reading don’t mix well apparently LOL

sorry :hug i suck LOL
