VID: eagle vs. deer

thats old, but cool

kinda fucked up that the people were laughing and clapping.

Is baby deer hunting a normal thing for Eagles to do?

eagles in africa hunt monkeys ~20lbs… and do the same thing… they bash them so hard on impact to knock the wind out of them then go straigh for the eyes…

id clap too, you dont see that shit normally


id clap too, you dont see that shit normally


Agreed, it’s not like it was planned by someone, it’s nature.

haha,that was below it.

I didn’t think eagles were big enough… Is that a golden eagle? Are there eagles in NA that are bigger than that?

In Europe, Shepards used to train golden eagles to hunt wolves. This would reduce the casualties of their sheep, increasing their profits. Golden Eagles kick ass, they can have wingspans of over 7 ft and weigh 15 pounds.

Golden eagles were sometimes trained to take wolves, but this was rare and wolf eagles had a high mortality rate. Despite the danger of hunting wolves, golden eagles were up to the task. On the hunt, the golden eagle is absolutely fearless and nearly invincible. Huge talons and a bone-crushing grip make short work of most prey. I once asked a South Dakota falconer why falconers don’t often use golden eagles for hunting. “Too many trips to the emergency room” was the answer, and he didn’t mean emergency room trips for the eagle.

Unless trained to hunt large prey, golden eagles prefer smaller prey. In South Dakota, the favored prey of golden eagles is jackrabbits, prairie dogs, and other small mammals. During the nesting season adults will bring prey to the nest. Golden eagles will often specialize on certain species that they have learned to hunt.

They are my favorite bird of all time. :slight_smile:


Agreed, it’s not like it was planned by someone, it’s nature.


so why was someone there with a camera filming, while people watched and the eagle looked like it was released?

^ sweet

That baby deer was probably released as a training session. Think of it as eating a veal chop, only more humane.


so why was someone there with a camera filming, while people watched and the eagle looked like it was released?


Go hug a tree.

when i looked at this i thought eagle(talon).

My last eagle vs deer, I ramped a dead on on Walden.


My last eagle vs deer, I ramped a dead one on Walden.




Go hug a tree.


i don’t care about the deer, i eat deer all the time, my point was there was someone standing right where the deer was running and there just happened to be a camera and an eagle there. it was obviously staged, or thats how they feed the eagle, one of the 2