VID - UFC 65 - Matt Huges vs George St. Pierre

Your Welcome

:tup: GSP

THankkkkkkk Youuuuuuuuu…

That was a bad azz kick,.

IMO Hughes wasn’t himself last night. I can’t wait for the rematch.

i :heart: Joo

ehh i dont know…

look back at when they first faught, George was winning then Matt grabed an fast arm bar and won.

this fight George was on top the whole time.

Yea, but it wasn’t complete domination like on Saturday. People were pointing out how uncomfortable he looked (smiling after he got hit every time, winking at the stare down…etc). I don’t know what his problem was, but even though he got beat, it shouldn’t have been as bad and as quick IMO. It seemed like he wanted to stand and trade and not do what he does best, ground and pound. I think he tried only once or twice for the takedown. I’m sure the two nut shots didn’t help. Not taking anything away from GSP, he is an awesome fighter.

UFC 66 is going to be interesting, I say Liddell by knockout again, and griffin by decision.

Good fight…but I’m probably the biggest Hughes hater ever, so I’m glad GSP won :lol:. Hughes can dominate anyone with just his strength, and the fact that he’s a former state champion wrestler helps too. They were talking about how his standup has greatly improved, and it has, but he didn’t try to take GSP down enough in the fight. The ground is where he’s most comportable fighting, he should have stuck to that gameplan.

Tru story… I was in Vegas and I was waiting in line at TAO, I accidentally bumped into Matt Hughes and he kicked me down a flight of stairs… I got up and called my lawyer.

Just kidding!.. he actually was really nice and shook my hand. He didnt want none! lol

Matt Hughes is by far my favorite. When hes not training he works his ass off on his family farm. Thats badass lol. Most of these guys just train and shit and live a life of luxury, this guy is hardcore active all the time…probably why he is so freakishly strong. I didint see the fight last night. :frowning:

werd… he’s da man :tup:

o/t Ed Herman is a bitch… can’t stand that flamer

O/T but did Josh Koscheck (not sure if i spelled that rite) hes the black guy in the first season that was a really good wrestler, did he wrestle for UB or is he from Buffalo?

I also like Forrest Griffin (sp). That one fight where he lost to tito ortiz was lame, Griffin had hime like 75% of the time. he was workin him good, but tito had more takedowns so they gave it to him.

haha rightt^^Tito kicked his ass … Anyways St. Pierre fucked matt up but im sure matt will be back .

Go Tito :retard:

hughes was totally not himself…like for reall…he faught terribly…he needs to be more mentally tough and if he gets in on a grab early then he can dominate…deff cant wait for the rematch

that’s not even true, BJ has better jiu jitsu and so does GSP… not only that but both have rediculously good sprawls. against an opponent who can sprawl extremely well ( or has rediculous flexability / balance like BJ ) you can’t just shoot, not matter who you are.

All the talk about Hughes standup was just part of the alleged ‘mind-game’ he’s always trying to apply to his opponents. he had to try and stand up with GSP in the beginning to try and close the distance and set up a hidden shoot… anyone would have to do that against GSP ( sherk, someone just like hughes ) had no success taking GSP down either. Matt was basically stuffed, incapable of taking down GSP while eating GSP’s very stiff jabs and consistent leg kicks ( which didnt help matt’s shooting ability either )

Hell, Matt shouldn’t have even gotten past BJ

koschek just was a UB assistant coach. he sucks even though his standup has been improving.

the life of a professional MMA fighter IS not glorious. it’s a very small commercial sport- when rich franklin lost to anderson silva, his paycheck from the UFC was something like 17,000. Lower card fighters ( who don’t have deals with Xzience ) make 8,000 a fight. PRIDE and K1 do pay a lot more though.

Unless you were on Spike TV, then you win a 6 figure contract… lol… 6 figures over the course of 10 years

if he shouldn’t of made it passed BJ then why did he? we’ll just have to wait for the rematch i guess…if hughes can get in and grapple then itll be more to his advantage

BJ busted his floating rib when rolling… besides being painful it essentially eliminates the use of one of the lungs. There are post-fight doctor reports if you need to see for yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone who watched the fight and witnessed BJ destroy Matt in the beginning rounds would know that all the shit hughes talks is just BS. Ignore the UFC editing crew- they just hype what they need to ( hell it’s what they are paid for )