VID - UFC 65 - Matt Huges vs George St. Pierre

that’s not even true, BJ has better jiu jitsu and so does GSP… not only that but both have rediculously good sprawls. against an opponent who can sprawl extremely well ( or has rediculous flexability / balance like BJ ) you can’t just shoot, not matter who you are.

All the talk about Hughes standup was just part of the alleged ‘mind-game’ he’s always trying to apply to his opponents. he had to try and stand up with GSP in the beginning to try and close the distance and set up a hidden shoot… anyone would have to do that against GSP ( sherk, someone just like hughes ) had no success taking GSP down either. Matt was basically stuffed, incapable of taking down GSP while eating GSP’s very stiff jabs and consistent leg kicks ( which didnt help matt’s shooting ability either )

Hell, Matt shouldn’t have even gotten past BJ

koschek just was a UB assistant coach. he sucks even though his standup has been improving.