video card issues

Im not a huge gamer or video card person i just need alittle point in the right direction. i have a nvidia 6800gt pci-e running not to hot but it seems to get super low fps while in games (lower then it use to) but other then that it is running well. does anyone know a good stability tester to use for this issue or something else i could use to test the card?

3dmark it and see if it matches up like it should ?


That is pretty much the only real stress test there is. Also see if you have anything running in the background, and check to see if you turned on any quality setting in the drivers enabled that you normally wouldn’t use.

Anti-aliasing can have a huge impact on framerates if enabled for everything. The anisotropic filtering setting can cause a huge impact also though not quite as big.

Also the usual check for background applications and such using processing power when idle.

Everything Fuzzy said is wrong. Your graphics car sad to say has shit the bed. Sell immediately and pick up a 8800 Ultra…


^^ haha thanks guys. ive ran 3d mark and half the tests dont even run. obv thats not expected with a 6800gt pci-e. it doesnt artifact tho, just low fps :frowning:

Which version of 3dmark?

wahtever the newest is, just dowloaded it last night. im at work right now but ill post up some stats when i get home to run it again.

thanks for the help guys

lol that will happen,my 7900gs was crushed by some of the intense tests 3dmark06 put it through.

What game are you trying to run and what resolution? Processor speed,how much ram?


lol that will happen,my 7900gs was crushed by some of the intense tests 3dmark06 put it through.

What game are you trying to run and what resolution? Processor speed,how much ram?


yea seriously try to snag like an 3dmark04 and run it,

and what game resolution like Jon said above

amd64 3700, 2.5gigs of ram. it happens in any newer game. bf2142, wow, etc.

can anyone help me read this to figure out whats wrong…

Odd…usually people go with ram that is in matching pairs,especially with dual channel.Did you add any ram or other hardware recently? Is it all the same speed? I’d try running just the gig stick or 2 512’s in dual channel.

Drivers need updating,go to nvidias website and get some new ones.

Do you have anything running in the background that is slowing your system up? Programs,spyware,viruses?

i tired running it with all dif ram combos. i had a gig (2-512s) of pqi running together at first then i added the additional memory but took it out to test and it was still giving the same results with or without the additional ram. they are all the same speed.

i keep the computer relatively clean since i have another computer i do most of the bullshit downloading and testing installs on.

i noticed in the 3dmark scores my cpu fps was horrible. 1.5fps or 2fps. waht could cause this? i ran hotcpu over night and it seems stable. not sure where to go from here. any ideas?

anyone ? :frowning:

I wish I could touch those scores? Based on your hardware that will be standard for 3DMark, I can’t even gat a frame per second on the CPU test.

By chance when you are playing the game is you computer accessing the hard drive for any reason, as that will cause pauses. If you go into task manager how many processes are running, and how much memory is in use at idle?

under 30 processes and around 300mb at idle

Memory usage is quite steep considering the number of processes you have running.

hmm, thanks for the help :smiley: i shall start looking it up