Anyone else running an 8800 series card? Temp issues?

More specifically, the GT series as the other models have superior cooling and a different GPU

Are you having heat issues? If so (or if not) what are you using to monitor the temps? I’ve been looking around on forums and such and noticed an insane amount of people having problems with these things heating up to the 90C+ range under heavy load :ohnoes: and idle around 60C or so.

I’m using rivatuner to track my temps and found my card to be idling at 45C and shooting up to 68-69C under very heavy load (crysis @ 1680X1050, all setting at very high… getting like 10fps). After about 10 mins of game play, it really starts to lag pretty bad although get no artifacts on the screen. It seems like a heat related issue, but I would hardly call high 60’s*C too hot by any stretch.

Is it possible that rivatuner is off? It doesn’t seem like the card should be running that cool and if it is, then how come it’s acting like it’s being over heated? I don’t want to jump into overclocking it until I figure it out.

any ideas?

why are you asking on this board?, goto hardocp and ask there, you will get many more in depth answers there.

My brother and I both run these cards, If you dont have enough fans/cooling they will start to overheat and effect gameplay. It happens to him everytime he plays Crysis on for more than 20 minutes.

He had it overclocked for awhile, but even while its not, his still acts like it overheats. (Even though the temps are not that bad)

To get crysis to run at 37fps on very high, it takes an $1800 triple sli setup.

Thanks kevin, I’ll ask over there :tup:


My brother and I both run these cards, If you dont have enough fans/cooling they will start to overheat and effect gameplay. It happens to him everytime he plays Crysis on for more than 20 minutes.

He had it overclocked for awhile, but even while its not, his still acts like it overheats. (Even though the temps are not that bad)


really? Have you or him set your fans past the stock 28% or whatever it is? Do you know the temps he was hitting when he was having problems? I intalled a case fan over my memory and it turns out to be partially hitting the GPU as well, so maybe I’ll adjust it to blow directly on the card instead.

   		To get crysis to run at 37fps on very high, it takes an $1800 triple sli setup.


just get a good gpu fan steve.

yeah, I’ve been looking around for one, but haven’t really seen anything made for the GT’s yet. A few companies make generic GPU coolers but I’m a little hesitant about using one thats not specifically made for the 8800gt.

maybe I’ll try water cooling in the near future. core2quad @ 4ghz sounds nice (800mhz core on the GPU also wouldn’t hurt lol).

Not even close mike. Its a proven fact that triple SLI actuallyt can have a negative effect on performance 1920x1200 resolutions and below. Its only meant for the extreme 2500x1600+ resolutions. Even with 2 8800gtx ultras, youd be hard pressed to play crysis at 1920x1200 on very high in dx10 mode. I owned an 8800gtx and it does get extremely hot. I took off the HS/Fan and reapplied arctic silver ceramique on all the parts that required cooling on the card. I then used rivatuner to ensure that the fan speed was constantly at 100%. Did you try that yet? Before you take off the hs/fan, go on your manufacturers website and make sure it doesnt void warrenty. If it does your only solution to try and keep heat down is turn the fan speed to 100% through rivertuner, and/or get another well placed case fan. Even with the new thermal paste on my card and having it run 100% fan speed, it would still push 70c load. So somehow im not surprised your having issues with this. The factory cooling solutions on almost all 8 series cards is just not sufficient.

Before spending all that $ on water cooling, try those suggestions. You’ll be surprised with how much lower your temps will be.

Did you guys jump on the bandwagon and buy these cards within the first week or so? If you did, you might want to RMA them too. I guess there were a few problems such as the ones your experiencing with the first line of the cards, which they fixed shortly after.

I’m not sure if it’s an early revision or not… anyway to tell? I first ordered from Dell in late november. Last week, they confirmed that the card wouldn’t be shipped until AFTER xmas. So I canceled and ordered a PNY 8800GT from tiger direct and it arrived yesterday.

I did crank my fan up… it’s sitting at 100% duty cycle 24/7 at the moment, so maybe that’s the reason I’m getting my temps so low? I just don’t understand how I’m barely missing 70C on full load and still getting lag after X amount of time in game. The card should be able to handle 70 no problem

if you got it yesterday you should be fine in terms of getting a “working card”. But yea…it should be able to handle those temps. OOps just saw the res you are running. What are the fps normally? before the 10fps lag spike? Im just thinking that resolution is too high for a single card in dx10 mode. If you are on vista, try this to get better fps (and a barely noticeable lesser image quality). Just run it in dx9 mode. Right click on your crysis icon on the desktop, and click properties. Make sure the path reads this “C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Bin32\Crysis.exe” -dx9

by adding the " -dx9", itll boot in dx9 mode. The game still looks amazing and gets much better fps.

well, like I said… I was running it @ very high setting across the board @ my monitors native resolution (1680x1050) getting roughly 10fps. DirectX10 mode BTW

I wasn’t really trying to play the game per se, but I was just trying to stress it to see what kind of temps I’d log to give a base line on my cooling under stock clock conditions before trying to overclock it.

It is generally after about 10-15 mins of this (give or take) the FPS would start to get unstable (anywhere from 1fps to 10fps… or 60fps if looking @ the ground :P)

I tried TF2 maxed out (everything set to quality on the driver side… AAA enabled) and didn’t run into this… everything set to highest settings in game @ my native resolution I got a fairly consistant 60FPS, but the temps also never went above 65* on this game.

Maybe it’s just Crysis stressing the hardware too much? Perhaps the card doesn’t have a sufficent enough memory bus (and size of the memory) to efficiently use Very high textures? Thats the only other thing I can think of

You could also try to underclock your core and shader clocks slightly. That will definitely decrease your heat output. Ya man…its definitely crysis stressing it. Run it in dx9 mode then come back and tell me your fps. As long as its the 512mb itll handle that res just fine.

Wouldn’t I loose performance though? or are you talking 25-50mhz?

i was under the impression that you were playing crysis at like 20-30 fps then suddenly it just spikes down to 10 and stays there. If that was the case, its a heat thing, and thats your video card saying “time to cool off”. My laptop gpu does that on occasion. Could just be a laptop thing. And yes a 25-50mhz would lower performance. But to be sure its not a heat problem (im thinking its not because 70c is w/i spec), run it in dx9 first. dx10 and crysis just arent right yet.

No temp issues here.

hey man, do you happen to know what your idling at? and under load? what are you using to monitor it with?

My 8800GTS idles 50c and upwards of 85c under load while playing Crisis and its overclocked. I bet your case doesnt have sufficient cooling. I’m using PC Wizard to monitor my ish.

like i said steve, get a good gpu cooler and be done with it, hardocp has some great reviews on them.

I ordered the same card at the same time you did I and recieved mine on the 12th.

At stock fan speed I’m ilding at around 48C in an antec 900 case.

These cards are made to handle high temps.

no shit, thats when mine was supposed to be delivered, but checked the website and said the date got pushed back to the 28th or so. Saw that Newegg had a few different brands in stock for pretty cheap too, but go figure newegg and paypal was being gay again and when I tired later, they were all sold out. :tdown:

Tiger had a few (albeit price gouging the fuck out of them… paid close to 300.00 for a stock clocked card) so just bit the bullet and got it.

how do you like yours? I’m impressed… just got done playing bioshock maxed in DX10 mode and was getting a consistant 50fps. unreal. With the exception of stressing it with crysis, most everything runs flawlessly. Now hopefully someone manages to unlock the 12 extra pipelines from the newest gts’s through the bios (if their not laser cut)… this has got to be one of the best bang for the buck cards since the ati 9700 pro

EDIT: and it must of been crysis fucking with it. With that exception, the temps seem to be around 65-ish on load.


thanks brother :tup:, Ordering one tomorrow. The fan is starting to annoy