Anyone else running an 8800 series card? Temp issues?

here steve

thanks man :beer:

looks like I found a winner :tup:

I get 250fps in cod4 with everything cranked on 1280x1024. Never knew cod4 looked so good lol I can’t focus on playing now, so much eye candy.

Just buy some old A/C unit and go phase change on that silly gpu?

Maybe your card isn’t the core of the problem. Maybe something else is heating up under load?

Nah, I highly doubt it. It does sit very close to the CPU and memory, but I have pretty sufficient cooling on those parts.

I honestly think it was a combo of stressing the hell out of the card in crysis while the fan was defaulted to 29% duty cycle. If I have the fan turned up to 45% or so and run crysis at a more reasonable setting, it’s not too bad.

The Zalman should help it alot, especially with overclocking it :slight_smile:

Using nTune for monitoring…

I run mine between 50-60% on the stock heatsink, and it’ll stay below 60°C without a problem. I run 1360x768 resolution with settings on HIGH, I’m not really trying to overstress the system. I want good framerate first, eye candy second. Also worth noting is that my card is clocked at 675 GPU / 975 ram out of the box.

Apparently my 1998 vintage case still works well for cooling as my mainboard temp is reading 33°C, and my AMD 64x2 4400+ CPU is running at 35°C. Then again, the CPU cooler I’m using is an all-copper Zalman.

The only issue I’m having with Crysis is during the scripted scenes I get these long pause s from time-to-time. The worst ones are happening on the “Reckoning” level. I think tere are some bugs at play here because the console shows a ton of errors if I pull it up. Hopefully they’ll be fixed by the patch whenever it gets released. 'Course, I’ll be done with the single player campaign (played it all on Delta, too, so no going back and trying it on a harder difficulty) before then.

I know exactly what you’re talking about with the “pauses”, it even crashed my machine a few times.

it also seems like it ran better on higher settings, towards the beginning of the game, but once you get so far… you really need to back it down alot (was playing @ 1680 x1050 fine, but then had to bring it down to 1440x900 along with some of the detail settings)

great game though… epic ending IMO