Video Game master skillz!!

lol this dude has skillz…

looks hard as hell.

what the hell kind of game is that.

haha now for a classic.

lol man i used to love that game

lmao funnny stuff…he musta played that a million times…

…u guys r youtube addicts

is it still possibly to find an n64 and that game lol

you got it all wrong… its not for n64, its for NES/SNES but yes it still is possible. i even have it still :slight_smile:

but ya your a girl what do you know about that right?

haha watever same shit…lol cars are more important than video games…i just play them the odd time

yes cars are more important but video games are damn fun sometimes.

dance dance revolution
this game is awsome… cant play it like these guys but it sure is a fun game, i got it for my gf (ps2 version) and she loves it, great game for partys too. friends thought we were gay for playing it untill they tried it and they didnt want to get off. (we cheated later on, got 4 ppl each person for a direction, sad thing is my girlfriend can do better than all 4 of us)

yea sumtimes but i get bored of them quickly

lol ppl take that ddr real serious…funny watching spastic ppl do it lol

its even funnier watching drunk idiots play DDR… sorta like me sometimes :slight_smile:

lol reason why i wudnt be caught dead playing that game…id rather watch …
speaking of drunkness…i think thats sumthing i need to do again this weekend lol

mad tetris skills right here!

damn thats crazy!
never knew the blocks turned to all the same colour… let alone turn BIG after that.

after he won it said s13 on the screen, wonder if he drives one…

i remember seeing another vid where the end you’re playing with NOTHING on the screen, and you play by memory and the “next” icons at the top…i’ll try to find it again…

^^that was some crazy tetris ownage!

wow…never knew there was so many levels in tetris.

that was nuts

initial d or maxium tune battle !!! we should set up a meet to run that

ill own anyone on here in both those games :smiley: