Video: Supercharged Civic Si

So thats why those damn color bars are there.

We need to do a big S shoot hahaha.

If thats in New Hampshire I think I know where that is.

Glad you like it! Its on Night-Import as well:

Good god, the music, the car, the shots, just everything is just epic. This is a pure display of talent right here, both you and Dan blow me out of the water with your stuff.

I so want a video like this of my car.

Heck Yes!!! Thanks a lot! I’m sure that means alot to Dan and Jim as well.


Thanks guys! I appreciate it a lot. Before I tackle anymore videos I have one that must be done for a band and I can’t disclose any other details at this time.

Can you imagine the chaos if you drifted around North Pearl at midnight on a Saturday night? Even through the tunnel at Empire Plaza, slide through the state parking deck, back under the small tunnel that connects to Madison, in front of the Capitol building, down State, onto N. Pearl, and end on broadway. Make a mad dash to 787 and act like nothing happened.

We’d need 15 - 20 cameras, Go-Pros, 2-way radios, and it would have to be done in one take. What a video it would be. Someone would probably get killed, but what a video.

This sounds do able… hmmmm hahaha

I have a 1 go pro for the shoot!

Nolan has one and a few cameras!

I’ve got two DSLR’s for said video.


Yeah only get one shot at something like that, it would be nuts

Hmm, what’s in here? Ohhhh, another thread by Jim making everything I do look like SHIT :frowning:

LOL great video jimbo

lololol, thanks Nolan.