BoostCreeps 2010 Nissan GTR - video too!

In early May of last year I first met Dan (CFD) at Ryans white Supra shoot. Little did I know that we would end up shooting together 95% of the time after that. Fast forward to the present day and here we are, shooting a white Japanese automobile owned by the same man.

I think this is my third or fourth GTR I have shot, but it is my first pearl white one. The rig shot (#19) I am not happy with, I was hoping for a wider angle and less sun flare but it is what it is.

I just purchased Apples Final Cut Pro X for video editing and it is 100 times more advanced than Apples iMovie that came with the computer that I have been using. I haven’t purchased any third party plug-ins yet ($$$) so the video was just edited with the included filters.
*VLAD; I can’t embed Vimeo videos…WTF!
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr

Awesome pictures and incredible looking car.

Hate you, hate you, hate you, hate you, hate you…


Aside from that good stuff, idk if its added or was there… but the flare on the splitter in 1 is really distracting. 3/4 is not so bad but still a bit distracting IMO.

A little less flare would have been better on the rig shot but its something out of your control and sometimes something that does not look nearly as bad on a 3inch LCD as it does on your computer screen.

Can’t tell you how many shots I thought were fucking baller as fuck when I took them till I saw them at full resoloution :’(

Video was actually pretty sweet

Fucking blown away bro. The video came out SICK. We need to do some GoPro/Moving stuff this year.

I love parking garage pics. I’ve always had a chubby for them.

Really happy how these came out.

Jim/Dan really are top notch. I have seen a lot of pics, but these guys are really going somewhere.

Appreciate it again dude.

Video is awesome! thank god for no background comments



gtr is sexxy as fuck…

Jim, your so talented bro…

Little did I know that we would end up shooting together 95% of the time after that.
Yea buddy!! Bringing two good dudes together… in a non-homo way. Or wait. wut

Really love #13 / #17 out of the set.

14 AND 18. Awesome shots.

the GTR looks baller broski, so jelly.

Wow bro … Wow

Bro, Shady is the resident Professional Photographer. C’mon now

Nice work, video is good! Remove the s from https and it should embed

Top notch as always! Love the car, Ryan!

What dude?

Don’t start your shit joey, did I tell him what to do or how to take h is photos… no… I told him what I THOUGHT, wouldent matter if I was a photographer or a fucking homless guy. Jim and Dan both know I love their work, and whenever me and dan talk we disagree on shit, Regardless I think they both can run circles around me.

badass video man

Thanks everyone for the comments!

Who said flare is bad? I control the sun :ohnoes

Since you brought it up, here are the original images - straight from the camera, no editing other than an image resize and watermark added so Julio Gonzalez won’t be tempted to claim the shots are his.
2010 Nissan GTR - Original, not edited by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr
2010 Nissan GTR - Original, not edited by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr

Notice the absence of glare on the front lip? Its there but ever so slightly. What I wanted to do was increase it so you notice it enough and to give the sun presence and a location. It also “warms” the image up so when you view it, you can tell the sun was out and you get a feel for the temperature - warm. If you could imagine yourself in the photo and you turned around, the sun would be there. Clearly by looking at the edited version, we can see the sun is at our back, you’re standing at just the right level to get glare off the carbon front lip. Leaving it the way it was originally - its just a glow, not interesting and probably should’ve been removed all together. I could’ve added a huge sun on the side, in the trees, and that would’ve looked like shit since the reflection is on the front of the car and not the side I would’ve had an unexplained dual sun photo (Chemtrails, UFO’s, OMG, :ohnoes).

In the parking garage I went with colder tones to do just the opposite, obviously it was dark out when I shot and no natural light exists so I gave each image a very very light cyanotype hue and I wanted a “dirtier” feel to each shot, hence why I didn’t remove the garbage on the floor in PS.
2010 Nissan GTR - Original, not edited by -KillerBlackbird-, on Flickr

As you can see in the original the walls look “soft” and overall not a very flattering image.

The rig shot, yes, its terrible. I took another similar to it two weeks ago that I cant share yet that came out perfect.

I know I am far from anything great, I never claim to be the best, but the more you shoot the more comfortable you get with situations and how to tackle them. I’m not looking to impress anyone but myself and while I do this for enjoyment and slight compensation there is a ton of time involved in what you see. There is about 5 hours of editing in the video and about 10 hours in the photos alone, this doesnt include drive time, shooting time, etc. I could go on for a while ranting about it, but Im wayyyy past the TL;DR status as it is.

Dope shots!!! And the video is sick!

Jim’s a fucking beast.

^^ For fucks sake thank you Jim. This is what I was looking for, I know or I damn well hope you know that anything “negative” I say is nothing personal, nor is it in anyway meant to degrade your work. You know I LOVE what you guys do and I constantly want to get together with you two just to get some more experience in and learn a thing or two. You guys are much better at this than I am. Like I said before, it wouldent matter if I was fucking Picaso or just some fuck on the street, its an opinion, not telling them what to do or what they could do better, because I don’t know… I’m not as good as they are, nor do I have the experiences in the different situations they do, I’ve hardly been doing this as long as they have.

Sometimes part of the problem is that I don’t know the situation, I don’t know the vision when your pressing the shutter because I was not there nor was I the one taking the picture. After seeing the original and your explanation, I completely understand it and it makes sense and it works, without that flare it is somewhat boring, Do i still think its a bit distracting? yes… but I do see that if it was not there it would have made for a more “boring” image.

I need to get out and shoot more and get more experiance, I unlike you can only shoot my car so much before I lose interest and motivation to pick up the camera. I need new things to shoot, I need some vision otherwise I don’t even feel like taking my camera out of the backpack. I am very vision oriented when I want to take a picture of something which is why myself im probably never happy with most of the shit I do, because what I see in my head hardly is what makes it to the memory card. Maybe your the same way, I don’t know thats just me. Its why I constantly want to get together with you guys, to learn and to do something new, unfortunately I’m hardly out as much as I was a few y ears ago so I don’t know a lot of people nor do I get to all the events, the past 2-3 shoots I setup fell through for whatever reason…

Anyways thanks for the explanation Jim, really appreciate it

I used and still use my own cars as test subjects, theres no pressure, you can have fun, go where ever, and shoot how ever you want. Before there was a Brochure Truck there was Brochure STI, close to 200 shots, some suck, most are “meh”: 2008 Subaru STi | Flickr

The first shoot I ever did for someone: Chevrolet S-10 "Orangedime" | Flickr

We’re all human, no one is perfect.