Is Gay… Discuss
just finding this out?
Figured with the upcomming move… Vin Diesal should be discussed… and hes gay, so that makes some interesint conversation… and a lot of people still dont know hes gay
On with the discussion.
:fail… :gay :gay :gay
why does it matter where he sticks his dipstick? you still pay to see his movies
:haha speak for yourself.
Girlfriend working PT at regal FTMFW
what is the point of this thread?
Should we also have a Donnie Whalberg is a deusch thread, or a I hate Rosie O’Donnells big hairy ass?
Go For it
very true.
“i live my life a quater mile at a time.”
<<< has never paid for either a rental or cinema viewing of any one of his movies… :nod
A Man Apart was a good movie
speak for myself? i dont pay to see movies. i dont go to the movies. i dont buy movies.
Its not though.
I want some Diesel pumped into me :umm
shady bro, its spelled D-I-E-S-E-L. you seem to get it mixed up.
Ask and you shall receive.
ya when i foudn this out i was liek WTF thats gay…
Why is this rumor still circulating?
It falls about within the same category as the stories about Elvis sightings and mason conspiracies.
As far as I knew it was confirmed… hes a rump roaster
its cool, hes still a bad ass dude in his movie
Nah, it’sa bunch of bs.