Violence @ Red Lobster?

where can i get one of those shirts the waiters wear?

I’ve been craving some RL.

I usually hitup the one that was in the falls next to the factory outlet mall, but the last time I went by it looked closed?

Anybody know?

Care to explain?

I think he means there are alot of darkies. I usually go to the hamburg one if i go there at all.

The building gets all smokey from the delicious seafood being made and it causes the walls to discolor.

one of the only things ill get there is the shrimp cocktail… and ive only been there like twice.

To answer some questions… yes, the one in the falls closed, eric was not working yesterday, the couple ended up laughing as they walked out so they are obviously used to it and grabbing the guy wouldnt have done any good, and we dont wear those ugly fish shirts anymore…

I hope they don’t breed.


Sort of like going to the smokey bones on walden on a friday night.

You’re a racist! j/k I still haven’t been there. I went to one in pittsburgh years ago but everyone there is a racist redneck so i don’t think black folk go out too often, unless they play for the steelers.

Uggh. I spend 5 minutes reading this forum and I see racist comments and one funny but tasteless pic that gets everyone to saddle up the anti-religion bandwagon. This place is just dripping with class. :roll: I’ve got to find a better way to kill time.

From experience no matter which RL you go to. they’re all ghetto.

your right, that was so racist :gotme:

Sure, it wasn’t Kramer yelling nigger nigger nigger but just not the kind of ignorant crap I’m in the mood for first thing in the morning.

darkies arent bad… its the yellows u gotta worry about:eyebrow:

Im pretty new to this forum but i see a lot of racist/homophobic undertones in alot of the post. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

make that 3 times on friday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Get used to it. There’s plenty of “That’s not like me. I don’t understand that. Hurry! Kill it!” around here.

You’ve just described any public forum. There is very little that is said here that should be taken seriously. Thats not to say that there aren’t a couple people that are downright assholes.

I was thinking the same thing when I read this then saw your post…nuff said

True. My panties seem to be a little bunched up this morning. I’m gonna go grab another cup of coffee. I must be a quart low…