Violence @ Red Lobster?

So I picked up a lunch shift today at the good old RL…an I’m glad I did! Most people come in for a relaxing lunch/dinner…others come in to fight! Yes, thats right folks… there was a man and a woman fighting. It started off as just verbal while eating their lunch. A few F-you you mother F-er, F’n Bitch, Stupid Bitch… blah blah blah you get the point. Right as the server finished clearing the dishes is when it gets sticky! Thank GOD there were only glasses left on the table! The yelling and name calling got a little louder, then louder, then the guy throws the glass right at the girl it hits her in the head and shatters. Now her head it bleeding, so she picks up her glass and throws it back at his head. now they are both bleeding! The third glass got tossed into the dining room and thankfully no innocent bystander was injured…just a little girl got a little water thrown at her durring the whole thing. Their server asked the woman if she was ok and the guy told the server “Don’t talk to her shes a F’n Bitch”… So this couple was spoken to by the manager, they said they were leaving and just wanted to pay…meanwhile my manager is calling the cops…while cashing out the couple their server was trying to stall by not bringing back their change. So now the two are in the lobby and the guy is still mouthing off so the chick goes ahead and back hands him right in the face and he almost falls over. They catch on to the fact that the cops have been called and are getting eager for their change. They forget about the change and leave right before the Amherst police show up!! Who would have thought all of this on a Wednesday during lunch? We all just kind of walked around for about an hour trying to figure out if this just happened! Now it just makes me LOL! :tup: to domestic violence gone public!

the one on maple? i cant go there anymore… it’s… too annoying.
lots of very loud… obnoxious people… with kids… and no control over them… you know what i mean.

Wow, at Red Lobster? Such a classy establishment, I’m shocked. :roll2:

The one on Transit! lol the one on maple gets pretty dark

WOW Red Lobster for the wife beater and seafood lover in you… Sounds like a great meal.

sounds like a day at my work

Those chedder bay biscuits bring out the animal in all!
'Tis the season!

I think you’re on to something. If that bitch took more than her share she had it coming…

mmm those biscuits. i’ve been wanting red lobster for weeks now. i shall get some.


ahahahah :tup:

and kristen im down for some RL…U,me,D,& Mike…lets rock it out…

Sounds like u had an intresting day there ong. Did they at least leave a good tip?:lol:

lol i get to see shop owners throw wrenches at my work. This sounds like way more fun to watch


…and nobody grabbed the guy after he broke a glass on the womans head? disgusted

so how much was their change and who got to keep it? :slight_smile:

From the sound of it, i would imagine she would be the type to stick up for him. Why bother? They are just helping the species to evolve by removing the weak links.

haha i work with eric from RL…i dunno if he was working there or at premier yesterday…ill have to ask him

i dunno, if it was me i woulda claimed it ruined my dinner and that i wanted it for free (if i was a bystander)

Word, And throw in some crab legs for pain and suffering, and none of those snow crab bithes either. Bring me them Alaskan king joints! Beeyatch!


should have tried to get pics

it would have been AWESOME

I read the thread title and it just made sense.