violent hockey fight

LOL…holy hell

holy shit

holy shit, there were marty mcsorley swings numerous times in that video

Yeah that got pretty out of hand

fucking european pansies. they’re such wusses, swing and skate away, team up on people, using sticks?!? come on, you would NEVER see this a north american game. maybe a bench clearing brawl, but at least they have the common sense to fight with fists and not deadly weapons. ughhh.

Now they know how it should be. Take no prisoners. :tup:

Comming soon: Soccer Riots on Ice.

For some reason I thought of Happy Gilmore…

“I’m the only guy that’s taken off my skate and tried to kill someone with it.”

i coudlnt’ beleive how many guys had sticks in their hands while that was alll going on…wtf

thats pretty bad…dam

lol there were liek 3 er 4 guys hacking away at guys on the ice with their sticks, the white team shoulda sent in more players, not enogh of them were fighting lol

that was great

and Brick killed a guy with a trident



lol that was crazy the white team got pwned

i would HATE to be the ref trying to sort out who to give penalties to :lol:

wow what a bunch of fucking pussys!!! it takes a real tough guy to jump into a 1 on 1 fight and make it a 2 on 1 or even a 3 on 1 on some cases. plus swinging the sticks was outta control. at one point, the one dude looked like he was trying cut the dudes leg off with his stick he swung so many times. :tdown: to most of the the white team standing at center ice not helping out their teamates. if one of your teamates is getting out numbered, you skate over and beat the fuck out of one of the dudes that has your player out numbered … i’m just gonna leave it at that. i could go on forever about the vid

looks like leisure rinks on a late sat night…when my bro is wasted!!!:headbang:

haha, you’re so right. where the hell’s he been anyways?

ahahah that was awesome but no need to use teh sticks