Vitali K

Any boxing fans? Vitali K is one of Crystal’s firm’s clients. Our good friend Greg met him in the lobby. I REALLY wish Crystal got a photo with him. Greg is about 6’3 or so but said Vitali was a giant.

I monitor how he’s doing and such since I’m Ukrainian, but otherwise, nah I don’t really follow. He had a fight last night though. He beat Kevin Johnson on points.

And this thread made my laugh for a little. My brothers name is Vitali and my last name starts with K so I thought this thread was about him for some reason lol. I just woke up though, that may have played a role.

Horrible fight. Kevin J just showed up for a paycheck. He is a very talented boxer. Big man.

I live in a place with celebs and I never ever see any. The biggest we have seen was fucking AC Slater at a restaurant. :frowning:

Huge boxing fan over here. Awaiting Mayweather-Pac, like the rest of the boxing world.

I used to work for Boscovs. I was at Giants training camp in the summer of 2006 (I think, or 2005?) and I met Strahan, Tiki Barber, Coughlin, Willy Allen and a bunch of rookies I don’t know (while they were walking to a team meeting at like 9pm). I got a bunch of other signatures on my Giants ball (I’m a Jet’s fan though) too. But those are the 4 I actually met. Tiki is ridiculously nice. Strahan is funny in that weird sort of way. Makes you think he’s angry, but he’s really trying to crack a joke.

Pictures of the football:

I watched football once. It was boring.

I haven’t watched it since. My truck is dirty.

lol. If any of you Giants fans want that ball, make me an offer. I paid $50 for the ball itself.

$12.99… who wants a ball that people have written all over. srsly, waste of a perfectly good football.:crazy

Make a thread for discussion. I already am setting up a dedicated weekend for this.

LUCKY! What’s Barber like? He gets booed loudly now.