vlad crown at cscs

kid stuff

if you can beat 15 shots of remy martin 40%, you da MANG

but for now, WEAK! jks =)

i stopped drinking all crazy since lucas, so i’m ubber weak.

im more of a hard liquor man, im just gangsturrr like daaaaaat.

I’m actually not allowed to drink hard liquor on doctor’s order. It’ll damage my ears and I’ll go more deaf. I’m having problems as it is. I have to stick with bud -_-

i want to grippppppppppp!!!

lemme know when your car is done, maybe…ill sign up for a grip day

devil z vs purple stock looking s14

280hp 3,300lb car vs 160hp 2,800lb car


yellow adds 43 HP to my car, so I win!!

But the fact that you’re always high (or look like it) makes you loose 56hp. :drivin


HAH! quoted for truth!

the fact you busted yur nose while attempting to drive with your new tranny makes you lose another 50 hp buddy, hows yur nose anyway? still bleeding? lolz