
Chainsaw comes in on tuesday… I got you.

You have people mad at you because you’re banning them for saying faggot, and because you’ve been whack for the last month or two. Not for anything else. Don’t act like the victim here. There is no victim, there is just bullshit. You wouldn’t be dealing with this if not for your own actions.

Maybee I’ll take more than 4. Need to see how many faggots I can fit in my car.

So what you’re saying is you’re pestering and being an asshole on purpose yet I’m the bad guy?

Go troll another forum, see how long you last pestering the admin

So much :facepalm

He’s not trolling the forum he’s trolling you, and he’s doing it for a reason.

I’m done here.

You either get it or you don’t.

If you want to become the next example of what happens when you beak the rules or push my buttons it’s your choice.

I’m not breaking any rules or pushing any buttons.

And it doesn’t sit well with me when you try to shit on my event because there was a minor discrepancy. I decided to organize that event because i knew our group needed a reminder that were all friends and can have a good fuckin time. I did it so that people would forget about all the bullshit thats been going on lately. Then you become a huge debbie downer and try to point out all sorts of stupid shit. You said something about how there were no seats for when members arrived? Well… they don’t take reservations and we were all able to get seated eventually… were grown men, we can wait around for a little bit.

I wouldn’t be such as Debbie downer if I didn’t have to deal with shit like this, “unban Lksi” “Vlad is ripping off the members” and Mk430r trying to be a tough guy and harassing my phone over the last month.

You ever think of that?

Ok and that shit is pretty irrelevant to my thread.

What is exactly your problem?

Me saying your event was piss poor organized and providing my reasoning?

Really? That gets to you but the shit I put up with is small fish and you constantly pushing my buttons? Can dish out but can’t take any criticism?

If you can find another forum where it’s Okay to go after the Admin, stay there, you won’t find another one like it. It won’t be happening here, I’ve worked way too hard to provide this site to all of you to be constantly disrespected.

Its not my place to say, buy if i remember correctly of the exchange with you and brett you gave it back 10X what he did. Just saying.

What exactly do you mean?

I meant with the thing that set Brett off. Yeah, he was being a dick probing about the accident with the bike. You in turn said like 3 very personal things to him which really set him off. You knew he wasnt going to just let it go. Should he of gone to your house? No. Some people just dont let some shit go though.

On other notes, i totally understand you wanting the site to be appealing to outside individuals and all but 90% of this is mod mentality and close friends. Exampl is that brundgie kid or whatever. Him and Lance obviously have issues and lance is a super laid back kid, this other dudes threatend him a bunch so of course the kid comes into lances normal forum and says some shit and gets it back and lance gets jumped on. Kid made another name of chevylove which i can 100% prove and didnt get a ban after getting banned for personal threats. You just the past few days seem very pissed and upset. Should of came out tonight, hung out and put the bs behind all of you.

The 3 “very personal things” were this and I’ll quote

And he ends up making death threats, blows up my phone and the rest.

Yet according to you I was 10X worse? Are you serious?

And thanks for making me look that thread up, and remind me that it’s the same few bad apples that are at the root of each major drama thread.

In that one Murdogg was calling me a fucker.

Just a day or so ago he was on my shit list.

I’m shocked I still haven’t rebanned him but I’m sure at won’t be long at this rate.

that would be all fine but there’s two things that make what you said above meaningless

1 Vlad didn’t say anything threatening at all, not even close. he mentioned his girlfriend and kid but did not say a thing about them.

2 Brett is getting worked up over this when him himself personally dissed another member a while back about his kid , direct insult to the kid, and both parents. that’s fucked up and hypocritical

sooooo as far as the Brett thing goes that’s tossed in the “no one should care about his whining” bin

you guys are all cool an shit but just like Vlad , some of you are taking this site wayyyyyyyyy too serious. it’s like you got something to prove with your stupid ass little pokes here and there , hella attacking Vlad.

you guys know how he is idk why ya gotta push his buttons.

and Vlad you’re def a person who takes the forum stuff a lil on the serious side , but lately it’s been a lil ridiculous , just saying.

too much pride here too much ego, too much - gotta have the last word in everything going on

instead of worrying about what this forum could or should be , enjoy the way it is right now, just like gas prices you fuckers can’t stop bitching about them rising and you have never been happy with them even at 1 dollar, but knowing then what you know now I bet ya would love gas for a buck.

same goes with the forum, both vlad and the rest of you guys , enjoy it now stop the fantasizing

K. Im wrong. You win. Nevermind.

Ban away.

well i dont understand why you dont just tell your fam to make gas cheaper :dunno


I fucking knew I shoulda used another example :facepalm