Its racial b/c HES a racist mother fucker. If Taylor, a little white country girl didnt win nothing would have happened. Hes a fuckin scumbag

nah dude, i bet u he had something to do with beyonces video and since she didnt win, he felt like he didnt win

hes a lil fag yes, and its not cuz shes white… if gaga won it, he MIGHT not would of done that, but taylor snt even in the same genre so i can see his unstable ass not liking the fact a non hip hop artist got the award

hes 100% wrong, and retarded i agree but u guys are too on this racial shit

Fuck that stupid ni99er

Eh…idk man. He could have sat there like an educated, civilized human being just like the 5000 other people in the crowd, but he had to be a toucher and voice his opinion b/c he didnt get his way. Im not racist, but I do get pissed at reverse discrimination and whatnot, which happens ALOT nowdays, and is overlooked quite often

lady gaga has a dick singh ,kanye would blow her

and beyonce was like…ummmm :wtf just happened, that’s messed up stealing that girl’s glory, she earned it

Relive the Kodak moment here:

For the record, I was watching 300.

i feel like you guys are missing the part where im agreeing with you on everything that kanye sucks ass and is a huge fag for doing htat

i just think you are taking it down the wrong street, and weakening your statments/comments by getting into the racial boat

if fucking westly snipes won that award, he woulda been the same way, now he wouldnt do that on the stage cuz he get his ass beat but u know

Dont go black on us singh!! :lol :tongue


:rofl +rep. Clayton Bigsbee FTMFW!!!


so now Kanye finally feels like a jackass… :lol

!! damn i was literally coming right now to post something like "Now lets wait for the apology "

i was checking my e-mail and saw it :lol haha sorry singh

i didnt watch the shit, but uh i saw the video link down left o that page for beyonces shit, she let taylor come on stage haah and she goes “maybe we can try this again” LOL

yea i didn’t watch it either until i saw this thread and watched the clip on youtube… beyonce was just as stunned as taylor swift was

ya hes giving bad rep to everyone hes associated with, they need to stop talking to him completely hes a lil bitch

see i thought his first album was OK but after that, shit got to his head and now he’s just an arrogant dick with shitty music

that man is talented you cant take that away from him, but he overshadows his talent with his arrogance so now many people including you will not be able to appreciate what talent he really has, i have alot of respect for him from what i’ve heard and seen with his music

sadly he ruins it all with bs like this

don’t get me wrong, i tried listening to his albums after that, and i wasn’t impressed. his style changed and i wasn’t a fan… but i do agree, his arrogance is a huge turn off and with that he loses fans and only has himself to blame