
w/e he got some mental issues, i dont care , i try to point out some common logic here and there but thats the furthest im gonna go

He did the right thing. What is everyone going to be talking about tomorrow? Internet, radio, even CNN will have a story on this in a few hours. Any publicity is good publicity, right? That’s how that business operates.

Doesn’t matter really. MTV hasn’t played a music video during primetime in years and Kanye fucks fish for christ sakes.

i said that earlier ,its all a publicity stunt .the ni99as have to be in the limelight at all times ,cant let a white chick get it

I’m all for a light hearted racially motivated rib jabber, but jesus christ guys this thread is/was ridiculous. This isn’t Klan518, it’s Shift518. Kanye sucks, sure, but that doesn’t give you all a free pass to drop the n bomb all over the place for no reason. Paints a bad image for new/potential members on here.

Vlad, I’ve done my job for the next 3 months.

Fuck Kanye.

+1 100% its making u guys look mad racist, like at this point in time there is no doubt that john is racist :lol


its not a stunt …

its good drama for mtv and taylor swift

its NOT good publicity for kanye for sure, its ruining his career

any publicity is good publicity?

its only partly true dude… it was good but not for him

omg :rofl


lol wat a fag
