First 15 Episodes on DVD today!!!

Next 15 episodes due around thanksgiving!

digitally remastered with better audio! WOO!


now watch this to get pumped up :tup:

and this classic


Form blazing sword!

saw this a few days ago on amazon…can’t wait!! but it’s not going to be released until the 26th

oh man i totally rember this show it was badass back in the day

Yeah i loved the show. It was exciting trying to guess what they were going to cut in half week after week! Does anyone remember the voltron with cars?

Hell yeah I remember the Voltron with the cars!

And in other news today, Voltron totally got served.

“women are like Voltron…the more you can hook up, the better it gets”

OMFG :eekdance:

waits for a live-action Voltron flick starring Cage and Jolie

incorrect, i have it in my hands :slight_smile:

in more news, THAT SKIT ON THE DVD lol


Where’d you get it?!?!?

best buy :tup:


complete with the voltron got served clip from robot chicken lol

the remastering is outstanding…none of the chintsy old 80’s appeal…its redone very well…

Voltron is great. I watched that show all the time.

Ugh, more things to waste money on. You guys need to stop posting this shit.

Guess I can throw out all my VCR tapes with ALL THE VOLTRON EPISODES (vehichle and lion), complete with cheesy 1980s Count chocula and Slip-n-slide commercials :shrug:

No way keep the tapes. The comercials are great and would be a bitch to find on the net. They also make good sig. material. Use the converter to put them on a external drive. True old school rocks!!!:shoot:

just like i can throw out the blank dvd’s with every episode on them now that this ish is coming out :slight_smile: