voltron > bladez

No beeping. Bladez goes and I follow right away. 40 something start I believe they said. Voltron pulls 2-3 cars I’d guess.

I wouldn’t bother posting this, but I’m hoping my bland account makes Onyx post the vids soon. I want to see the launch from earlier. :slight_smile:

I want a rematch when you’re on race gas with more boost bladez.

You should also post “Voltron>Firehawk’s Transmission” lol.

In for vids. Thats awesome.

This is worth watching…just to see to fast street cars go at it.

both cars are all sorts of awesome :tup: ken and mike

ugh mike, voltron is DEF going mid 10’s… this thing is RETARDED

the hawk would’ve felt the wrath of voltron as well if his tranny didnt go bewm

Voltron vs chuck from a roll would have been nuts.

my money is on voltron from a roll



awesome run guys, voltron was on 112 right?

i want a ride dammit

yea…i missed the vids last night, cause i didnt wanna crowd around in the huge gay huddle everyone was in

onyx plz post vidz

god I so want a nicely prepped/swapped gc8… money tree just aint growing fast enough :frowning:

Hoy crap.

Jesus Christ.



In for vids…

I knew it had it in it :slight_smile:

nice :tup:

but now i need to hide my tranny :nono:

This is deff a video that should be withheld.

:tup: :tup: :tup: sick freakin run last night! I had a grin ear to ear running mike, no drama, just good fun runs! mike’s car definitely moves strong as hell :D. huge :tup: to the innovative guys as well for helping mike build this sick beast!!

The cobra didn’t do to bad for 16psi and 93 octane with only 18* timing and only losing by 2 cars. Can’t wait for the rematch with myself on 22psi and 23* timing ;).