volvo builds another street rod - this time its a bucket

t bucket that is :slight_smile: and its even got a suicide axle-over-frame front suspension

i felt guilty for like .00178% of a second … then i wanted one again

check out the brakes the rotor is mounted to the rim, nice touch for a car

thats f*cking hot

Turbo I-5? yamaha V8?!?!!?

turbo i5

Me Like


suitcase in front?

thats so rad

yeah what is that lol

the car is kinda cool.

That is really cool.

That’s really cool.

I really wish they would make these. Pure hotness.


its goonna be siiiiiiiiiiiiiqqqq

Most anything open-wheel = SIQQQ.

I like

thats fucking awesome. I need to go change pants

Fancy pantsy.

A high-tech T-bucket?


That suitcase must take a beating. Lose that and re-design the windshield and that thing would rule so hard.

ugh, everything about that car is pure sex. I absolutely love the simplicity of it.