Vote for my Vote here in Mass...

I dislike Martha Coakley but would like to see the health care bill passed. If Brown were for the bill, I’d vote for him in a second. Here is the deal. I’m leaving work at 5PM to go vote, I was tempted to vote for Joe Kennedy because I think that would be better than not voting at all but I’ll take a vote for my vote.

Public poll.

Saving for later…

go republican fyi

Vote for the issues, not the person making the vote

k, off to vote :slight_smile:

:tup: to the outcome of this one!!! Obama has to have spent the night crying in a closet somewhere.

it never was pass/fail on the healthcare bill… it was pass as is (vote republican), or pass later with more changes (democrat).

What… No not really. Even the Democrats are starting to get shaky and discussing pivoting their position on the bill. If the Mass. seat went to a republican and the major issue was healthcare, they are all scared for their seats.

Massachusetts last elected a Republican to the Senate in 1972, but the shift could not have come at a worse time for Obama. Democrats control 60 votes in the Senate to 40 for the Republicans, and the loss of one Democrat could doom the healthcare bill.

Democratic leaders vowed to push healthcare reform through Congress despite the results, but several Democrats cautioned the party to reconsider its stance.

“It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to take a step back and say we’re going to pivot to do a jobs thing,” Representative Anthony Weiner of New York told reporters.

Republicans said the results confirmed the public’s distaste for Obama’s healthcare overhaul and their anger at being ignored by Democratic lawmakers.

“The voters in Massachusetts, like Americans everywhere, have made it abundantly clear where they stand on healthcare. They don’t want this bill and want Washington to listen to them,” Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell said.

don’t you get it… what just happened was that it became a lot harder to change the bill and sent it back for another round of approval. passing it as is didn’t really change much.

^ It’s not going to pass as is. The house has stated quite clearly they will not pass the senate bill as is. Any changes to the senate bill will require another vote, which can now be blocked by the Republicans. It’s likely they wouldn’t even have to vote it considering after the MA loss almost any Democrat outside of NY or CA is now terrified to vote for the currently plan.

The House bill is much better than the Senate bill. The Senate bill is nothig more than a bunch of handouts to insurance companies and states with shitty flip-flopping senators.

Yes I do get it. You are wrong. Read what JayS posted, and What I quoted you from the AP news wire.

as joe quoted in another recent post (and this is spot on)

As to the health-insurance bill, the Democrats have a couple of options as discussed here yesterday. First, they can try to settle their internal differences today, get a CBO score, and pass the bill before senator-elect Brown is seated in early February. Second, they could try to get the House to pass the Senate bill intact and then make changes to it using the budget reconciliation process, which can’t be filibustered. Of course, option three is abandon the whole project and then show up in November empty handed, which will guarantee a Republican landslide.

theblue, maybe you’ll believe it if you see it in writing at msnbc?


  1. It’s not going to pass before Brown is seated.
  2. The house isn’t going to pass the senate version without promises of big changes once it’s passed, something the new senate can’t promise.
  3. Going the reconciliation route requires it to be a finance only bill and there isn’t support for that. Even if there was it would be tough to get 51 votes of support for forcing this through with a nuclear option after seeing what happened in MA. Anyone agreeing to force an unpopular bill through using the reconciliation process that was only supposed to be used for budgetary items would be committing political suicide in this climate.

this year’s elections are going to be a referendum on the economy. If it gets better, Democrats win, if it doesn’t, ironically since they were in power when this shitstorm started, Republicans do. Some form of health care is going to go through then I hope for the country’s sake the rest of 2010 is spent bill clinton style. “It’s the economy, stupid.”

gettin bjs and not paying bills?

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

wow that was srsly sarcasm. srsly.

wow jeg that sarcasm was srsly so stupid. srsly

I voted for brown not that it mattered in my district :frowning: very glad he won though :slight_smile: