You want a barometer of Obama's and the Democrat's popularity?

Ted Kennedy’s seat is a toss up between a Republican and a Democrat?!?


The Brown campaign appears to have genuine momentum. The Republican, a former model, performed well Monday in the campaign’s only debate. The defining moment came when moderator David Gergen asked whether Brown was prepared, if he won “Teddy Kennedy’s seat,” to cast the vote that killed the health-care reform bill.

“With all due respect,” Brown shot back, “it’s not the Kennedys’ seat. It’s not the Democrats’ seat. It’s the people’s seat.”

Wow. In a state that worships the Kennedy clan that sure sounds like, “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy” (the famous line from a VP debate).

She should’ve been actually campaigning this whole time instead of sitting back in a prevent defense and letting him catch up. He’s been advertising the shit out of the state and she’s been picking out curtains for her senate office since the primary.
And the polls are all over the place on this one, in the last week from brown +4 to coakley +15. The key is each pollster has different criteria for who is a “likely voter” since no one shows up for special elections, especially democrats.
EDIT: I really don’t think this race is nationalized, I think it’s just a case of a poor campaign. I was just reading up on it on

The Rasmussen poll that just came out – one which shows Coakley’s lead shrinking from 9 to 2 points – also shows Barack Obama with a 57 percent approval rating (versus 41 percent opposed) among likely voters, and the health care bill favored by 52 percent of likely voters (versus 46 percent opposed).

According to the poll’s internals, right now about 8 percent of the electorate both (a) favors health care reform, and (b) has not been brought into Coakley’s column. This includes 5 percent of the electorate which favors health care but is planning to vote for Scott Brown, 2 percent for the independent candidate, and 1 percent who favor health care who are undecided.

In addition, about 11 percent of the electorate approve of Barack Obama but are not planning to vote for Coakley.

That says they just aren’t motivated by this broad.

Who would have guessed 360 days ago that Democrats would not want Obama support?
She was probably like, “Yeah… well… ummmmm… I guess I will take your endorsement.” lol

Actually they like him a lot better than her

Yeah that’s it. :roll: This race is an anomaly and we won’t see a major shift in November. Everyone loves the Dems policies being crammed down their throats and this Broad just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I dislike them equally… I have to vote today(I’m in Mass) but I’m tempted to vote for Joe Kennedy(not part of THE Kennedy fam).

I’m undecided but basically it comes down am I pro hc bill or not?

on a side note, I voted for Steve Pagliuca over Martha for the Dem’s nomination.

if you like the health care bill as is, vote republican… to slow it down or see it get changed, vote democrat :smiley:

lol… the one thing Brown has is that he said that he’d be more than happy to be the one to kill the bill. I’m for the bill but really don’t like Marth Coakley

Yes it sucks. Yes you have to vote Coakley.
by: sabutai
Wed Jan 13, 2010 at 18:47:04 PM EST

(For those still considering some sort of ill-advised protest vote, or staying home, this is a must-read. [David] Bumped. - promoted by Bob)

Let’s get this out of the way. You might not want to vote for Martha Coakley. You might think she deserves what’s she’s getting after an absentee, self-satisfied campaign (why should I bail her out?). You likely want to send a message to everyone from the attorney general all the way to every Democratic official in Washington, DC. Odds are you didn’t vote for her in the primary. And, you might be wondering if it’ll make a difference who wins this Tuesday.
You got every reason to be pissed, but it needs to be clear: not voting for Coakley is the same as voting for Brown. And voting for Brown is a very, very bad thing.

sabutai :: Yes it sucks. Yes you have to vote Coakley.
Pissed? Me, too. Not just because I supported Mike Capuano. I’m frankly pissed about Washington, DC. Things are going very wrong – President Obama was absent from the process as the public option was killed, and would rather tax public servants in the middle class with so-called “Cadillac health insurance” then ask the wealthy to pay their fair share. Health care reform is heading toward a route where more money comes from the middle class, with about half going to people who need health care, and half going to the insurance companies. Oh, and Guantanamo is still open while American soldiers walk the streets in Baghdad and Kabul. Remember Employee Free Choice? Meanwhile, Harry Reid races to catch Ben Nelson’s and Joe Lieberman’s farts on Capitol Hill.
But I don’t think Senator Coakley wants to torture people, give the obscenely rich a tax refund, or tell a rape victim to hospital-shop until she can find the care she needs. Senator Brown does. And the right-wing, desperate to believe it’s been forgotten how they ruthlessly dimmed America’s power and pride over the last eight years, is pouring as much corporate money as possible onto our airwaves. Disciples of failure are already slavering over bullrushing one of their own into the Senate.

So suck it up and vote Coakley on Tuesday. If you stay home on Tuesday, and a smirking Jim DeMint puts his arm around Senator Brown next month, will you feel good about yourself? Will you take pride in your “message” when Tom Coburn assigns Scott Brown the task of maintaining the filibuster on any health care reform? When you see Scott Brown publicly wetting his pants over terrorists getting American justice, or the latest moron who fails in an inept plan to hurt our country, will you think “Yep, I’m the reason he’s there to embarrass Massachusetts on the Senate floor.”

I think some folks are already getting a message. The mortal scare the DC Dems are feeling this week about the voters of Massachusetts – Massachusetts! – considering walking away. They can read polls, and they realize what they’ve wrought. Maybe Reid, Nelson, heck even Obama needs a primary next time around, I don’t know.

But nowhere on the ballot will be an option to send a message to DC. Your and my only choice is to send a Senator. And that Senator should be Martha Coakley.

I’m going to make a poll for my vote :slight_smile:

you should put you vote up for grabs on ebay :lol:

I actually thought about that lol

After hearing her comments about Boston sports teams I figured she already commited political suicide. lol

There are very few supporters out for her, mostly people with Brown signs.

Brown will be the 41st senator. Bye bye super majority.

Bringing in Obama and Bill Clinton was probably a real bad idea when Brown has been gaining all this support by nationalizing the race. Nothing like validating everything he’s said by bringing in the national big guns.

Polls are closed… Awaiting results.

What I find most interesting is this message I keep hearing from the “we want change” crowd, and that’s, “this isn’t the change we wanted”.

Regardless of tonight’s results if the Democrats think they can just force everything through and chalk any resistance up to “crazy teaparty assholes” they’re going to get a serious surprise in 2010.

EDIT: 7% in, 51% Brown, 48% Coakley. :ohnoes:

EDIT2: 13% reporting, 53% Brown, 46% Coakley, 1% that Kennedy not related to “those Kennedy’s” (the way I’ve heard every news station describe him). :ohnoes: :ohnoes:


60% reporting, 53% Brown, 46% Coakley. Time to start showing her your “oh face” Brown.

CNN, Fox, Associated Press and even MSNBC reporting Brown will win.

Precincts Reporting: 1,717 of 2,168 (79%)

Scott Brown ® – 907,421 (52.3%)
Martha Coakley (D) – 811,036 (46.7%)
Joe Kennedy (I) – 17,402 (1.0%)

:tup: MA!

FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I have been cheering all day long. This is GREAT for the country right now IMO and is going to send a very powerful message. I am no dem hater at all I just feel this was needed.