You want a barometer of Obama's and the Democrat's popularity?


Except the part about not being a dem hater. Heh.

I pretty much lied about that LOL

LOL can’t wait for Joe’s response.

So someone explain it to the engineer: What is, er, was :mamoru: a supermajority (I know it was 60 dems) and why won’t healthcare pass without it?

You need 60 votes to break a filibuster. No republicans support it.

Welcome back to having to compromise and get consensus if you want to pass anything.

I’m watching MSNBC right now and it’s hilarious watching them try to spin this and say this vote has nothing to do with the national democratic agenda.

PS… I feel really fucking dirty watching MSNBC.

HAHAHA texted Joe his response " Meh the senate is gay anyway."

lmao at the txt.

me “lawl celebration beers?”
joe “what would i be celebrating? Nothing getting done the rest of the year? LOL”

This just in, small earthquake reported in Arlington. Reports indicate it was Ted Kennedy rolling over in his grave.

Coakley had some fucking WONDERqvcFUL shoulder pad defeat blazer action going on.

How is this good for the country? All the republicans want to do is vote no on anything without offering any alternatives. Like I said, nothing will get done now. If we had been getting shit done all along, the voters wouldn’t be pissed. The Senate ends up having to give all kinds of handouts to faggots like Lieberman and Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln and water everything down.

They won’t even get close to 60 votes after this ass kicking. OR Obama will brainwash them that it is do or die time and they will all take a bullet for Obama’s agenda. The voters have spoken now we will see if DC will govern or rule.

:bsflag: The republicans offered several alternatives and were laughed at and told to go stand in the corner. Pelosi told her minions that we don’t need them (repubs) and were ordered not to talk to them, that this is a Dem only bill because the Republican votes weren’t needed.

You libs are such Hippocrates. If it was Bush and the republicans were trying to jam something down our throats and told the dems, “fuck off, we don’t need your vote” like Peloci and Reid did to the republicans, you all would be crying so loud about how there’s no bi-partisanship with the republicans, wah, wah, wah… and so on. If you need a super-majority to pass something maybe it’s a shit bill that’s overly partisan anyway.

The only thing that scares me about Brown winning is, I’m afraid that Richard Maddow might go home and beat his wife.

* Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.
* Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.
* Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.
* Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it's good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.

… Not that it matters because none the GOPs alternatives will happen as a result of this election.

Then they should have tried to work those into the current bill. They simply ignored it. We could have had a compromise by now that includes ideas from both sides but they want only what they want or they take their ball and go home. And blk99z28, the bush tax cuts for the rich that started all of this deficit mess passed with a 50-50 split and dick cheney breaking the tie. When the senate parliamentarian said that they were grossly misusing the budget reconciliation process to do so, they simply fired him and put their yes-man in the position. Talk about ramming something through. Fox News-fed rhetoric and ignorance, as usual. If the Republicans had a 60-40 margin in the Senate we’d have mandatory prayer 3 times a day, 0% tax rate for millionaires and corporations, and Jim Crow laws would be reinstated. You’re just lucky the Dems are too ass-backwards and disorganized to get anything done like that.

“After months spent criticizing Democrats’ health overhaul plans, House Republicans have produced a draft proposal of their own. It’s much shorter and focuses on bringing down costs rather than extending coverage to nearly all Americans.”

“Democrats immediately dismissed the Republican plan as insubstantial.”

You know the Dems wouldn’t go for any of what they had to offer or work it in regardless of what it was. And why should they? They had the majorities after all. But now they don’t, and we’ll see if any of this can be salvaged.

Why should the Democrats do anything other than dismiss the plan if it has nothing to do with their interests, and THEY ARE THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY. It’s on the reps to work their stuff into the proposed plan, offer amendments, etc. Not scrap it, that’s unrealistic. They’ve been playing take no prisoners from the very start, all they’ve been saying is they want reform dead. Not amended, dead. Party of No.

The point is reps can’t work in amendments or anything from that proposal when the dems have this attitude;

We have that attitude BECAUSE of the shit they have been pulling. Democrats were never that obnoxious of a minority even when it was 50-50. Shit, the filibuster is not mentioned anywhere in the constitution and was used less than 20 times the entire 19th century. Now, it’s a daily occurrence. Don’t allow a vote on anything that will pass. :bloated:

He drives a GMC Canyon. Ugh.
