You want a barometer of Obama's and the Democrat's popularity?

Nice Joe… So which is it? The Republicans didn’t offer up any suggestions for the healthcare bill, they did but it was right to ignore them, or fuck bi-partisanship we have the supermajority? Because you just said all three and all three conflict with each other.


… hmmm, nothing to say…

But, How dare you attack anything on the left using fact and logic! Don’t you realize that they are the intellectual, more intelligent party? Besides, they are busy trying to get bills past that are better for the people of this country than what’s in place now. You idiots don’t even know what’s best for yourselves. We democrats know what’s best for you. So vote us in, then shut up, and get out of the way while we implement policies and laws that are designed to protect you idiots form your stupid, ignorant selves!

^ In Joe’s defense I did make that comment at 6:30 in the morning. :wink:


:lol: And they say fox news is biased.

^ That was Blowbermann last night when about 50% of the vote was in and it was pretty clear Brown was going to win.

I’ve been actually doing work all morning :eek: …boss is out and im running the team.

But since I only have a minute for now, I’ll just copy the response from the nonpartisan electoral-vote site. The country is turning on the dems because they haven’t rammed enough through, not because they’ve rammed too much.

From the graph, it is clear that Coakley completely collapsed in a very short time. There were no exit polls so it is hard to tell exactly what happened, but from the pre-election polling it is clear that Republicans were highly motivated, Democrats were not, and independents liked Brown better than Coakley.

There are a lot of ways one can spin this and all are likely to be tried in the next 24 hours and beyond. First, Coakley was a poor candidate and Brown was a good one. That’s certainly true but it is not the whole story. The national Democrats will try to lay the entire blame at her feet, but that’s unfair. She was only part of the problem.

Second, when people are hurting, as many are now, they need someone to blame and with the Democrats controlling both the White House and Congress, they are the obvious targets. Since President Obama campaigned for Coakley, he can hardly say he was only dimly aware of the race and its not his fault.

But probably the most fundamental reason for Coakley’s loss is that the Democrats were elected in 2008 to provide change and failed to do it. When the banks collapsed due to their own recklessness, they were bailed out. When the auto industry came begging, it was bailed out. The health-insurance bill battle dragged on and on, in no small part because Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) was desperate to get one Republican vote. For a lot of people, the Democrats care as little for them as the Republicans do and they were punished for that.

Contrast the Democrat’s approach to what the Republicans did in 2000 after an extremely narrow and highly contested victory. They said: “We won, you lost, and now we are going to enact our program.” They used the budget reconciliation process to ram through the Bush tax cuts. To a lot of people, this shows that the Republicans stand for something and are willing to fight hard for what they believe in. Americans like decisiveness.

Undoubtedly, some Democrats are going to use this election to say the sky is falling and they should be more like Republicans while others will say that those people who like the Republicans will prefer real Republicans to fake ones. Expect much infighting in the coming days and weeks.

As to the health-insurance bill, the Democrats have a couple of options as discussed here yesterday. First, they can try to settle their internal differences today, get a CBO score, and pass the bill before senator-elect Brown is seated in early February. Second, they could try to get the House to pass the Senate bill intact and then make changes to it using the budget reconciliation process, which can’t be filibustered. Of course, option three is abandon the whole project and then show up in November empty handed, which will guarantee a Republican landslide.

“They’re trying to say this is all the result of a bad candidate, but look, she was the attorney general of the state. … She’s won statewide, she’s been a political fixture in Massachusetts,” Rove said. “Simply being a bad candidate has not kept Democrats from winning Massachusetts. Michael Dukakis was governor twice, for God’s sake.

Karl Rove’s response to the “she’s a bad candidate” garbage.

Love him or hate him, he makes a pretty good point.

So 1/100th of the senate switching parties means that a major bill will not pass because the opposing party will just talk and talk and talk until the sand runs out of the hour glass?

That’s fucked up.

More fucked up than one party ignoring every suggestion the minority party wanted in the bill?

Don’t be so defensive. I’m just bitching about filibustering in general.

Why would the Democrats put their suggestions in the bill when they said they’d still vote against it? Their political strategy was to let nothing pass for two years since anything that does pass the democrats will get credit for.
That would be like if I called up McCain in 08 and said “Hey, I’m still voting for Obama, but can you change your platform to suit my interests anyway?”

There is a real easy way to keep a filibuster out of it… go back to crafting bipartisan bills that have the support of the majority, not just the left or just the right.

Obama and the dems thought they had a rubber stamp that allowed them to do anything they wanted and last night MA said, “enough of this shit”.

This won’t get people elected. Business as usual.

I can’t believe, “I drive a truck,” is an acceptable campaign slogan. I think we need to set criteria.

^ Ha… it was just part of an overall campaign though. His message was that he IS a regular person unlike these out of touch politicians. He tapped into all that anger about an unpopular health care bill being crammed down our throats while AIG execs get 7 figure bonuses and said, “hey, I’m like you, I’m pissed off too”. And it worked. The fact that he did it while driving a 200k mile truck to his campaign stops while his opponent couldn’t even figure out which team Massachusetts god Curt Schilling played for just made it more believable.

it also doesn’t work because the republican strategy for regaining power is to make the democrats fail.

If you work with them to craft good bills you would be making obama look good.

I heard a good sound-bite from Brown, from one of the debates:

At last week’s debate, Brown was asked how he felt about being in " Ted Kennedy’s seat."

“With all due respect,” Brown fired back, “It is not Ted Kennedy’s seat. It is not the Democrats’ seat. It is the people of Massachusetts’ seat.”

Personally, I’m amazed at the amount of entitlement most politicians have (jeez - even Blagojovich is still on TV?)

You would think that with all of the “brand erosion” that Americans are showing w/ consumer goods - that the politicians would come to realize that if they didn’t deliver on “product” (job security, deficits, economy, etc), that they’d get shown the door.

Unfortunately, our gerrymandered districts don’t help as much with the House seats as much as Senate ones.

They’ll come around. People are pist. And when people are pist, politicians get fired! I guess the system does work after all. That makes me feel good.

I knew it was a matter of time, but Obama actually blamed Brown’s victory on Bush! HAHAAHAAA. I love it. In his interview with George Snuffelupogus (sp?) Obama said, “what got Brown elected was the same thing that got me elected. People are upset and not just over what’s been going on over this last year, but over what’s occured over the last 8.”

Does this guy ever quit blaming things on Bush? I’m surprised no one blamed Haiti on Bush yet. Although, Danny Glover did blame it on global warming…

Barney Frank…

Cliffs: We need to change the rules if things don’t go in our favor.

I take it you watched Glenn Beck last night too? :wink:

It was hilarious when he told the people talking about Scott Brown running for prez to basically STFU and maybe we should look for someone who’s actually done something as a senator to run for president.

First, “pissed”

Second, I think he meant people just voting for change. His own slogan came back to bite him. :stuck_out_tongue: