So my girlfriend wanted some help making this video for a contest, its the first video she has made. We probably won’t win but I’d love to see it get a few votes, so I come to you for help!!Updates
The video is under “Leslie Rae” …and yes, I’m the moron playing guitar. I appreciate any help we can get! I noticed most of the other ones were depressing, sad girls singing in dark rooms, so I thought we should try to make a goofy/fun video. Lets hear what you think! Thanks to anyone who takes a look and especially anyone who votes for us!!
Wow I thought it was going to be a Cheesy home video. Lol
Wow…already have 3 more responses than I expected. Thanks a lot guys! She is thrilled to have the votes we do 
We are up to 17 votes! Thanks to anyone who has helped… if you can take 2 minutes to vote for us I’d really appreciate it!
Update (Since I know everyone is on the edge of their seats):
We made it to 35 votes! Tomorrow is the last day, if anyone could find it in their heart to take 2 minutes and vote for us I’d really appreciate it… our video was the 16th or 17th down on the page when I checked a few minutes ago…it’s under the name “Leslie Rae” - Thanks again!!!
LAST DAY TO VOTE!!! Will someone put their last 30 minutes at work to good use and VOTE!!! I’d love to get 40, we are at 37 and I’ve bugged the crap out of all my family/friends.
If we get to 40, I will upload a video of myself trying to do a cartwheel (never done one before, I’m a fat dude) If that’s not incentive enough… I just don’t know what is!
Just a tiny update…we made it into the top 10! We get a cool prize pack (valued at $100…that’s all they told us) And are in the running for …THE GRAND PRIZE which no one knows what it actually is… or when they will announce the winner.
Just wanted to say thanks to anyone who voted for us!