VR-FAIL, Over N Out

Said my good bye’s to this demon of a car. I’ve been through to much with this thing and have decreased my stress level 10 fold.
Bringing it to the crusher’s in the next day or two.



whyyy is it so hurt?

BC Brooke and I just beat the F out of it with a few metal pipes, lol.

dan can i come kick it?

YUP. Bring a large blunt object/projectile if you’d like…

roger that. text me the location. i will be on my way in no time flat.

:rofl :rofl :rofl I’ve had a few like that. Glad to see you’re moving on. :thumb

Just posted this on 3SI, waiting for those guys to bitch me out, lmao.

Plus rep when I get home lol. Give her another boot to the quarter for me!

This should see some 00 buckshot. Do it.

I dont have any guns! :frowning:
I’m totally game for doing that though, I’ll bring it somewhere!!

I want to crush this thing more then you


…we’d get in too much trouble.

Dont care, lets do it… Who has the land?

Idk why but for some reason even I feel less stressed now

Me too.

wait, im so confused…

last I knew you had it and were trying to fix shit?

what the fuck happened in between then and now?

he realized it was a 3000gt vr-4

Why did you smash up what looks to be a perfectly good chassis? Wouldn’t it have been better to just sell the damn thing?