My 5 year plan is lame and people will probably make fun of me. :tong


I bet we can get Ray to sell his, I’d buy it probably. I’d like to find an Anthracite one, but I plan on putting too much work into this one to sell it.

well i like my vw were we meeting up any ideas :ponder

Thatcher park! :tong

can I go?

i want a wingless anthracite, with black leather but id settle on anything 93-95 with a 6 speed thats not beat down when it comes to a supra, id take any exterior color, they didnt offer anything that looked bad


You can go Mark, if you get a ride with someone who drives a VW. :tong

im down plan it up. :nod

want to give me a ride :lol

i think he wants more than just a ride

Can I go and not bring my VW? lol.

Wingless Anthracite, good luck my friend. And if you want a hardtop… I cant imagine what one would run. $50K+ I assume.

i have an audi i hope to never own another.



For you, I think an exception is definitely in order. :tong

wingless, hardtop, black leather, anthracite, 6 speed, under 60kmi is the dream

I want my wing and my targa! :benny

I also like the targa, I’m not removing the wing either. Took the targa off the other day, was nice to cruise around without it on.

Put it back on today.