VW Diesel Hybrid - Rabbit(Golf)

Not even CLOSE.

On 14 gallons of diesel, you could go aprox. 980 miles with a 70mpg diesel auto.
on 14 gallons of regular fuel on a 35mpg car, you get 490 miles. (btw, 22/30 is the gas Rabbits fuel economy, so 35 is a high figure)

Based off national gas and national diesel prices as of 2/29 (not sure on local because I don’t currently buy diesel)
Diesel - $3.642/gallon
Gasoline - $3.164/gallon

So that 14 gallons of diesel is $50.988, with the same quantity of gasoline costing $44.296. So for essentially $6 less per a 14 gallon tank of gas, one can get DOUBLE the mileage.

If this thing can really pull off real world figures of nearly 70mpg, it will be a truly remarkable, but seemingly we still don’t have a regular diesel Rabbit here in the states, I somehow doubt we’ll ever see this.