Yo what you guys getting for mileage with the coors-light type shit they’re passing off as winter diesel?!!??!
First tank I pulled 40.313 mpg hand calc’d which was 619 miles. I am vented.
Dunno what I really should be getting, and on tdiclub everyone has different climates then here. Sooo what ya getting? What mods did you do to help out?
I’m missing my undertrays, and 99% of that last tank i wasn’t straight piped, so ill see if that helps. Also replacing air filter and checking snow screen tonight. Anyone notice if running a different brand of fuel is better / worse? I currently fill up at the Cumby’s in rotterdam and I believe they are serving a main course of GULF fuel.
I only managed to use up ~12 gallons so far. I am still learning and reading, reading and learning. So far, it’s 100% OEM car, 0 changes to it. I only did an oil change just to make sure I know when the oil was done. I need to look into the intake pipes and check the sensor in there and check the filter and such. I got my fuel from hess right near me. I haven’t tried the B5 yet, but I’d like to check that out for winter and was thinking about using B50 for summer. I still plan to straightpipe it as soon as I can. I was reading on tdiclub and people were saying that without software it’s unlikely you’d be seeing improvements in MPGs that are drastic or any at all. I am still reading and picking out software to run and nozzles. Kerma is looking pretty good so far.
i lose 3-5mpgs in the winter due to the shitty blend of fuel and cold weather. i almost always run hess or quick check fuel unless i am in need and cant find one of the two.