tdibuddyMPGs thread of awesome.

Don’t go faster than 74, any faster and they like to guzzle

lol hyper-miling douches.



I’m happy with my 30 highway, 26 average

what kind of mileage is guzzling?

13.0 in White Lightning, flooring it everywhere

it would technically be zero because anything divided by zero is zero, and i can travel as far as i want with out using any gas…i just decide to keep it in storage.

couldn’t resist

how much of a difference did the software and nozzles make for you?

i get like 32mpg…in my toyota

DUUUUUUUDE, 74? :open_mouth: Impressive!

What do you mean mpg wise? Dunno only have nozzles in it right now, old ones at that… I should seriously get them balanced/calibrated come spring, or get new ones if they are to shot…

A tuner and nozzles SHOULD NOT reduce fuel consumption unless your always in it.

Less then 50, if your getting less than 50mpg on the highway you are doing something wrong.

I meant stock vs having nozzles and software. How much did that increase the MPG? I dont mean what the manufacturers claim, I’m talking real world numbers.

No difference vot, look on tdi club, they will tell you all

I’d like to up my MPG number. I dont have enough to recalibrate everything and buy software or a q loader and nozzles and such. I’m thinking I’ll just do what I can for now, like cleaning out the snow screen, changing intake filter, upping tire pressure and stuff like that. I dont expect it to go up an incredible amount, but 2-3 would be pretty good. Plus, mine is auto, so I’m sure it’d be lower than a stick shift, but it’s still fine. it’s already nearly double from what my A6 gets, so thats a huge plus right there :slight_smile: I’m open to you suggestions guys.

Nozzles and a flash will kill the tranny, do either/or not both. I recommend just a base flash from rc or Malone or Kerma whatever. Just the lightest possible

I hated the auto, hated it.

Ah, thank you. Will look into it.

wayne fill up at tiffanys, i know a few people that used to work there, he has good diesel, or stop being a pussy and dump a qt of 2 stroke oil in it LOL

i got approx. 31mpgs in the b14, delivery driving, in albany, beating on it…lol

ill have to double check my o2/emissions equipment (havent done that in over a year…lol) and make sure everything is intact, and fill her up again and do another test in the beautiful city of cohoes…:lol