Tdi guyz step in . Cold weather

Any of you tdi guys leave the car outside last night and not use a heater or put anything into the fuel ?

Did the car start right up , or have you ever had any starting problems leaving it out in the cold ?

Only thinking about this bc a fellow employee moved our big truck out and left it out all weekend and it wouldn’t start and capital land had to come and changed the fuel filter to get it started .

Just curious.


Everyone I’ve owned started fine even in the below zero weather… My wagon is a bit cranky because it needs a new glowplug harness… With that replaced it will be perfect

mine was sitting since sun night… fired right up like it 90deg outside. Tdi starts awesome in the cold.

What makes them start easier than larger trucks?

It was like 3 degrees yesterday and she fired right up. Glow plug light took like 5 seconds to come off…

Less oil capacity, less fuel used to run (read: needed to run), etc. I assume. Plus TDI’s were made so any jamoke can get in and drive it (hence the influx of TDI’s on this forum lately).


Well if they changed the fuel filter, does that mean the fuel gelled up?

yes. it usually gels in the filter first.

mine sat last night no plug in. no additive. started first glow cycle(short cycle too) fired up no problem.

yep should have changed the fuel filter before winter and always run power service in the winter

diesal 911 the red bottle when its to late , white bottle every fill up . less problems

im giving up on power service. Stanadyne only after my power service white bottle is gone.

It wasn’t cold last night. -20 ambient, is cold.

why giving up bed expirience?

OP never once had a problem with my pickup even in the -27 its seen up north she starts everytime with no issues

word, the 3500 is buried out under a snow drift up at the shop. fired it up this morning with no issue, and it’s been sitting for ~2 weeks since last startup.

nope just going back to what the OEM recommends.



i get power service cheap so im gonna stick with that. cant beat $6/gallon!