should i be using additive?
The POS Nissan diesel in one of the trucks at work is really cold blooded and needs to be plugged in when its 20* or below or it wont start.
The junk Isuzu with 267k that we used to have would always start on the coldest day of the year with no issues at all. There were a few times I had to use it when the other one wouldnt start.
where do you get it???
ehh, yes, no… i haven’t seen a difference really, but it gives back the lubricity to the pump that ulsd lacks…
fleet pride… my grandparents get a sweet discount through them because they spend thousands of dollars there at a rip. so i get a case of 6 for 48 including tax! i think even if you dont have a discount their prices arent that bad. not really sure though. i just got a case of white and a case of gray should be good for a while!
jellies , the isuzu started cause it was a isuzu . duramx are made by them also , thats why there a great motor .
I wouldnt call it a great motor but it did run. No balls at all and knocked and blew out oil everywhere but made it to 267k before my boss retired it.
The Nissan diesel UD truck is the biggest POS. Its in the shop now (actually done but not picked up) because the water pump went and so did the 3rd turbo. Its an '08 with 102k and has had the turbo replaced 3 times.
Dumpy Nissan.
Wish the TDI got heat faster. Don’t want to go Frost heater route though.
267k isn’t shit for a diesel.
block off your grills homie.
Yarter racing modzzz
Running B2 or B5 has been proven to be much better then running an additive for increasing lubricity. It will gel at a higher temp though. I am sticking with standard ULSD until it stays above freezing then I plan to run B2.
yea i don’t put no additive either… i prolly should. was thinking about buying 5 gallons of b100 and mixing with some sort of anti-freeze additive. Then bottling it and carrying it in the car.
Yeah, Nissan sucks.
It is for one that only got maintenance when something else broke and was driven hard.
It lasted alot longer than any of the other diesels we had. One blew the motor at less than 80k and another blew the motor at 170k. I got a nice tan sitting on the shoulder of the northway that day.
as stupid as this sounds, i did this to my mk2 tdi and it heated up SLOWER LOL
on the heavy equipment and older trucks we mixed kerosene with the fuel oil in the winter to prevent gel up. Pretty sure that would fuck any cats on the newer vehicles. I know alot of fuel stops pinned their kero hoses to the side of the pumps to limit how far the hose can travel and prevent truckers from filling up with the stuff.
im not sure what these cats you speak of are
lol’s, thought the 2007+ D trucks had cats now.
dpf, not cats
yeah 06.5 i think got some DPF JUNK
my cat just got shipped to some guy in ohio. i cut that off within the first week i had my car. killing my MPGs
right, particulate filters. doh.