Tdi guyz step in . Cold weather

another thing that went bad on the UD at work, at 80k. Nissan quality once again.

the more you fucks talk about your million MPG’s in these things the more I want to buy one. 9mpgs is killing me at the moment. open wallet, slit wrist…

i should probably sell my cat instead of just throwing it out… where’d you sell yours brett?

tdiclub. i got nothing really for it. i was going to throw it away and saw some guy looking for one. got shipping plus like 5 bucks for it. better than nothing.

yessssssssss moar tdis.

shouldve brought it to a scrapyard. Sometimes they paid around $40 for cats

it was hammered. pretty clogged up. diesel cats suck.

dood I’m right about to yank the duramax out of the snow bank and start driving that, explain it to my sister later. at least that fucker get’s 20-25mpgs

so youre driving a Jimmy and getting 9 mpg? My Blazer used to get atleast 15

9-12 pending which route I take. should be getting 15-18. yeah somethings up with the truck but I have little time and patience to deal with it now. I could list everything I’ve checked and or replaced but this isn’t the place for such a long list. I honestly just think it’s a tired motor at this point. They did beat the living shit out of it on the one lap a few years back.

buy my honda dude!

Too nice of a car for my daily. I need something I won’t regret tossing 300lbs of billet chunks or dirty engine parts in the backseat on a weekly basis.


0 start problem here