ZX2 has trouble starting in cold

ok guys, i got another one for ya to help me figure out. My girlfriend has a 2001 zx2. The car takes a while to start up at times when it is cold out. I did a little tuning up on the car involving plugs(double tipped platinum), wires, fuel injector cleaner, oil change with marvel mystery oil. Car still does this tho, any ideas on where i should start on further investigation?

so does my sisters zx2…i think its a ford thing…i have done everything but fuel filter

fucking peice of shit car lemme tell ya

probably the coolant temp sensor. It adjusts the timing in cold weather conditions

^^hmmmmmm didnt think of that at all, ill check on it

check anything that controls timing timing

possible idle air control valve, egr, or fuel quality issue

ford’s EGR systems really mess alot of crap up im tellin ya. ever since i took mine off, the car runs 10000000x better no lie. no more stumbling when throwing into nuetral and coasting up to a light, no more bogging down when beginning to go, its just all around running better, i used to even get hickups in my idle with it on. i would bet the EGR is to blame or the coolant temp sensor. when an IAC goes the car just plain wont start or idle. try a new fuel filter too, they are cheap and easy for peice of mind

didnt u get CEL when u removed ur EGR ish

put a fuel psi gauge on it and let it sit, its most likelly bleeding back fuel psi causing extended crank until fuel psi builds. it could be the regulator, but I’d bet this thing has never had a fuel filter and is always driven under 1/4 tank, therefore w/out the pump being submerged, its not getting cooled, long story short, the pump is probably on its way out and bleeding back fuel psi

^^^ thats a very good point. Her and her sisters are terrible about putting gas in the car, it def. seems like that could be it. how do i go about getting a pressure gauge on there? i have one on my d-series honda fuel rail, maybe i can slap that on there for some time.

I think you can buy a cheap shadetree special at autozone for like $20, or just put yours on the shraeder valve of this car

i have an autometer CF ultralite i got for $35 and never used, it was used when i got it, want to get rid of it cause its mechanical and i want electronic…PM me if interested

i think ill probably use the gauge on the fuel rail of my civic if anything, thanks anyways, but since u prolly have a similar motor, where do i put it into the fuel rail?

on the shraeder valve, thats thin thingy der that looks like you can put air in it lol,

I’d definately change out the fuel filter and clean out the IAC, fords have problems w/IAC’s getting gunked up too.

1 of the 2, I dont see anything to do w/timing being the issue

the other possiblity would be a head gasket leak bleeding coolant into the cylinders but doubtful

ok, ive started working on the car again today. there is noplace visible to me to screw a gauge onto the fuel rail or any kind of valve. But i beleive it is definitely not the fuel pump, i toook the fuel line off the filter after the car sitting for almost 2 days and it pumped out a thick stream of gas immediately. The problem however has gotten worse and here is what i am looking at now. In the morning u get in the car and start cranking and u get nothing. Then i stop cranking it, and i go from off to on position(so that the pump will run) about 10 times and the pump runs every time. then crank it for a second and it hesitates a bit but starts up. I dont have a shop manual for this car, so where excatly is the IAC located?

IAC is located on the bottom side of the intake manifold, i forgot about this thread so my appoligies for not helping more, there is no shraeder valve on zetec motors. you can buy a special fiting that replaces the driverside “cap” on the fuel rail for a gauge to thread into for i think $15 off focus-central.com or something, i can look it up if you like.

give this a try: http://www.focushacks.com/index.php?modid=66

yeah please look that up, fuel pressure is vital in figuring this one out i think, ive never opened up an IAC, what does it look like, and am i really gonna be able to get to it?

EDIT: the problem is getting worse and she really needs a driveable car, it is taking her about 10 minutes to 15 minutes to get the car started now in the mornings and shes really frustrated. I could use the bonus points if i get this fixed for her

try the hack i posted the link to, if that doesnt help i have two other ideas that are equally as common, yet easy to check/fix. one is cleaning the MAF with some “electrical parts cleaner” from radioshack, and the other is cleaning the IAC, which is a bitch to get too and probably a few hour job. if that ends up being the case ill lend you a hand if a pizza and splitting a 6pack is in the deal

im gonna give that a try in the morning, ill let u know how that goes. Thanks

you already answered your own question, the trouble is fule psi is bleeding off, its either the pump or the regulator, being a ford and the history you’ve given I’d guess the pump