Car is a 1990 240SX.
Starts OK when cold, but seems to have a problem starting when hot, but not all the time.
starts then dies, starts then dies. I find when it does this the best thing to do is plant my foot on the gas, and crank the starter until it revs. Once it starts, it’s fine.
100% sure its the bloody fuel pump…next time its doing it, hook up a fuel pressure gauge and u will notice it will be way under what it should be…it should be atleast 30psi…its prolly about 5 if it aint starting…
IF u need a fuel pressure gauge pm me.
my bro’s coupe still has the same problem starting even after the SR, Walbro, 300zx fuel filter, and brand new 3" downpipe to muffler install :scratch:
we’re guessing the fuel lines?! :dunno:
fuel pump, i think, mine use to do that, then at other times i’d floor it and it would choke and drive like a donkey, then i got pissed and bought a walbro 255 for my sohc n/a lol