240 dead

Well the sohc strikes again! i had to run to work to let sombody in and i don’t get don’t the street before the thing dies.

it started up like normal, ran fine, got 3/4 down the street and i lost all power. Gas tank is 1/4 full, turns over, plenty of spark. WTF? Any ideas?

My dad thinks the gas lines are frozen, but it’s been colder than this and run fine.

Anything will help.




See if you can get it to run for a while in the garage (with the door open of course) and then try running some gas-line antifreeze through it. If that doesn’t fix it I dunno. Could be your fuel pump, could be a bunch of other things…

i left it be for a few hours now. It will turn over, but not go. Unfortunatly i can’t get it into my garage cause it’s on top of a hill. It deosn’t even attempt to fire.

I guess my next step is to pull the plugs and check for gas. If there’s no gas i’ll check the pump nad go from there.

I tell you what, i’m bout to put a ford fadge on this pos! I want my other 240 ready asap!

that is what happned to me, i was drving from waterdown to oakville and i diddent notice a single thing, then i stoped and turned of the car for about 10 min, when to re start it and then it would justnot fire. and what do you know it was the fule pump and decender. a nice $$$$$$ repair

Do the logical diagnostic first. Does it have spark? air? fuel? (compression?) Then go from there.

Something similar to this happened to my old Buick… turned out to be a faulty fuse for the fuel delivery system. So check your fuses as well.

i checked all the fuses, i have to check the fuel pump and line tomarrow, and compression aswell.

1 problem though, i sold my spare pump to frigga. I knew that would come back to bite me in the ass.

If it’s the pump and i buy a walbro, anybody want to buy it off me in the summer? I’m not running a stock tank on my project 240.

your lines might be frozen because yes you have started it in colder weather but the hole in the tank might not have been as large. I’m pretty sure that it takes colder weather to freeze an airsealed container then one with a hole in it. And also you’re sapposed to keep at least 1/2 tank in the cold cold winter so your lines dont freeze, so this might be a possiblility, push it into the garage and let her warm up and then try again.

… i’m also a optimus.

Excuse me? did you say push, into my garage? how bout you come and try to. It’s not like it’s on a tiny slope.

I got a great idea, how bout you give me your car while your some place warm. I like that idea alot.

Matt I have an extra fuel pump that I took out of my old 240 when I did
the SR and put a Walbro in… I’ll bring it back with me.

Yah, i pulled that thing home behind the Jeep yesterday, damn near ripped my bumper off, good help is really hard to find.

I think the pump is shot, i can’t hear it start. So Andrew, if you could bring that, it would be extremely helpful!

Thanks, I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Yah, but it’s sunny and my aunt’s Garage is right cross the street and it’s heated, i might push it over there later this aft or late tonight.

Okay… if you think there’s no fuel coming to the engine do this one little step that can possibly save you some troubles and money just to make sure.

Go to cdn tire and pick up a can of Quick Start, which is around $2-4. Spray a bit (NOT too much) right into your air intake (make sure that the throttle body is open while doing this), and then try starting the engine. If the engine turns over and seems to “run” for a second or two before it dies down again, then there probably is no fuel delivery. If the engine just turns over without catching, the problem might not be due to fuel delivery.

ok, there seems to be fuel, i can hear the pump go on for bout 10 seconds and then it shuts off. Also the fuel filter i just bought is full of gas.
I am having a problem getting the bolts that hold the cover off in the trunk. They just spin and spin. Any idea’s.

Hey, thanks captin obvious. :smiley:

Yah, well if it wasn’t fried i think it is now…Somone cough Andrew cough told me to hook the power up to the battery, red/blue positive, black negitive…Well i just listened and did it…never listen to andrew…red/blue is negitive…Oh, well, good thing he gave me that extra pump eh? :smiley:

in andrews defence black is sapposed to be universally ground (negative).


well sofar i’ve changed the fuel filter, hardwired the pump(working all the time), changed ECU to old crappy one, Changed coil, and plug wires…Still no go.

It tried once but it was just a pop. i dunno…going crazy :evil: