tdibuddyMPGs thread of awesome.

I run hard to about 2000-2200rpm every gear change, usually not higher than that unless someone pisses me off. No boost guage yet.

Daily commute is 98% highway. I usually run about 80mph, I try to stay around 70 but I can’t stand being behind these fucking retards. If i’m not in rush hour I drive 70ish. Like I said though, get me in traffic and the fucking pedal is an on-off switch.

Dunno, we’ll see what this tank yields.

^ Man pants. Wayne wears them, even in his VW.

There lyes the issue wayneo

Why is big head getting 50mpg while Wayne is getting 40mpg. Can’t be a 5mph highway difference causing that. I think we have a fibber on our hands folks.

big head is hypermilingfag wayne is uberpissedoffroadrage80mphfag.

40mpg and not dealing with assholes > 50mpg and driving like i own a prius.

and lookin’ like a “chodefag”

you have no idea what your talking about again and talking out of your ass, why would make this shit up? i’ve had 3 of these fuckin things, i know what works and how to get the best out of them…

please don’t get tdi, you’re not welcome in our community.

am i hovering around 40 because mine’s auto and u guys are lookin at 50 cuz its stick shift?

mid high 40s city, mid-high 50s for me highway

Are you cruising at 400rpms or something?

I do not want to join said community.

less then 10psi and slower then 74 (according to speedometer) what ever tthe rpm is… 25-2600? i dunno.

if you really cannot get over 50mpg highway then there is something wrong or doing something wrong… wayne will get the hang of it.

and good.

IMPRESSIVE. I need to start getting closer to that territory. I havent had a long highway run just yet, but I should try.

I gotta look at fucking timing in vag-com and see what its set at. It might need adjusted, I dunno WTF PO has done to it. I need to ride with you sometime and see how your driving it and if I’ll even be able to stand driving that way. :ohnoes:ohnoes

Wayne, you think you could take a look at mine while ur at it? :smiley:

Wayne sell me your TDi

aight i’ll fucking sell it.


glad to see you’ve assimilated nicely with the rest of the BMW douches. :thumbup :thumbup

glad to see you’ve assimilated with…uh… pete.


I’ll bring the napkins!!