Ok the tradition continues.

If you have yet to experience it well you dont know what your missing. Well this year we are gonna throw a loop in. How does everyone feel about Robinson QSnL this year instead of hooters?

Thought we had a great time this x-mas meet why not again? So will see what everybody thinks and then will get all the pricing and such situated.

definitely in! and after the hooters situation last year! oh geez, i can’t believe the waitress cried! jeff and dan will vouch, i told the girl 10 times that 50 people will be walking through that door any second! personally I would rather spend the 15 and QSL and do it buffet style! the food was great, and there was no wait or screw ups.

i don’t know hooters was a lot of fun last year
it is a toss up of where to have it. alothough QSL would be more organized.

sounds good to me.

plus if you go to qsl, sonny can get his whiskey this year.

QSL ftw

thats what i am saying… having no hard alcohol at hooters sucks donkey nuts

can i join in? or do you have to be 21 to get in?

oh my god that was so great. I remember the look on her face. But yah qsl is great and all but have to keep the tradition rolling.


well from what I hear from the past few years… I went last year… plus swift will never out drink me at any pittspeed meet.

yep. i would have to vote hooters, only cause it’s half the distance for me. 1/2 hr > 1 hr

this should be interesting

we have gone to hooters since we started going to WOW as a group. So i think this would make it the fourth year!


hooters :love: us.

im somewhat leaning to hooters just to terrorize them once a year

hooters = closer or QSL centary III

I just asked starboy about the century 3 one… i don’t see why it would be a problem to do it out there.

:blue: :idb:

it’s closer for you but not me, both QSL would be about the same for me. robinson 50-60 minutes century 3 40-50 minutes hooters 25-30 minutes